Chapter Three

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Zayn Malik started out unnerved by the new, young teacher. If anything, Zayn loved the way how he made the teacher stutter and tremble with just a look. There was something about the young teacher, he didn’t know if it was the innocence in his dimpled cheeks, or the way he looked so vulnerable. The young teacher even excited him for a second or two in all honesty, but now, as Zayn laid on the roof, another cigarette inbetween his fingers, his mind was running over the humiliation and the actual nerve of the teacher. Mr Styles…he scoffed to himself, as he twiddled the unlit cigarette smoothly over his fingers. The school bell rang out, although Zayn made no attempt to move. The lower year students scurried around the buildings belong him, and he could hear the noise clearly, but he couldn’t go to lesson. His head was buried think with deep thoughts about life, his friends and family, but more strangely, about Mr Styles.

To say that Zayn had had a rough childhood was fairly accurate. He’d grown up with an alcoholic father, and a mother that was constantly sick with worry or anxiety. She couldn’t work, and his Father was in and out of jobs. Zayn had learnt to be responsible from a young age, he’d had to look after himself, cook for himself, and his own parents, and he’d had to learn how to heal the cuts and bruises that his Father would leave him with, when he returned back late at night drunk and smelling of cigarette smoke.

If it was just Zayn on his own, he could have coped a lot better. He probably would have ran away, lived in his own world, but he had responsibilities at home. As well as looking after his Mother, who was constantly in bed, sleeping, crying, begging for Zayn to give her more pills that she had somehow got hold of, but there were also his two younger sisters. Waliyha and Safaa. Waliyha was seven, but Safaa was barely six years old.  

There was nothing he would rather do then take his sisters away to somewhere they’d be both safe, and with him, but taking them away with him would mean finding a definite, safe place for them to sleep, they’d need to eat, and he couldn’t take them away from their friends and education. Even if he didn’t really care for his education, he wanted to see his sisters succeed. They were clever girls, and he knew that if he took them out of education, he could be the one to ruin their chance of success.

Zayn let out another sigh, and stopped twiddling the cigarette and held it in his hand. His head really would not give him a rest today.

“Ow, bollocks.” Zayn heard an Irish voice whisper. It was followed by a few footsteps, but then came to a stop. Zayn didn’t look up, but already knew that Niall was stood a few feet away from him.

“Err, Zayn?” Niall spoke again. Zayn looked up at the grey clouds that were hung in the sky.

“Niall?” Zayn asked, waiting to hear what Niall had to say.

“We have a free lesson, but you weren’t in the common room, so I wanted to look for you and see if you’re alright.” Niall spoke, and Zayn could imagine the small smile on his face. Niall was always very caring, and so was Liam in fact.

“Yeah, I’m alright.” Zayn replied, before patting the space next to him, so Niall could lay with him. He looked up at him finally, and saw the smile on Niall’s face as he walked over. There was something about Niall that Zayn wanted to protect. He couldn’t send Niall away from him, even if he did just want to be alone right now. Niall laid down next to him with a sigh, and both boys were quiet for a moment. Zayn felt the cigarette in his hand and held it up towards Niall.

“Light this, we’ll share it.” Zayn suggested, looking at Niall for a moment. Niall’s bright blue eyes looked cautiously at the cigarette, before he looked straight into Zayn’s eyes.

“You want me to light it?” Zayn asked him after a moment, looking at the way Niall was biting his lip nervously. Niall smiled a little and nodded, and Zayn buried into his blazer pocket in search of one of his lighters. His blazer sleeves edged down his wrists as he stretched, and Zayn could feel Niall’s eyes burn into his wrist. Zayn brought out the lighter, and pulled his sleeve back down, so Niall couldn’t look at the blue and purple bruises that had him so enticed into his wrist. He looked away from Niall and focused on lighting the cigarette that was now perched inbetween his lips.

He flicked the lighter until the spark lit onto the cigarette, and Zayn felt his mind come to ease as the smoke filled his body. He took another long drag and closed his eyes, before passing it towards Niall. He felt Niall take the cigarette. There was a silence, and Zayn listened to the sound of Niall shakily taking a drag of the cigarette, and even heard him trying to contain a cough from his throat. Niall shuffled a little bit, before passing the cigarette back to Zayn. Zayn took another breath, before Niall’s voice broke the silence.

“Did your Dad hit you again?” Zayn opened his eyes at the question.

“No, the girls were climbing on me and playing last night, it was funny.” Zayn said, with little or no emotion in his voice at all. There was a silence again.

“Was he drunk?” Niall’s quiet voice asked once more.

“Niall!” Zayn snapped, staring at Niall with blaring eyes. Niall bit on his lip, although he never stopped looking into Zayn’s eyes.

“I’m here for you Zayn, always.” Niall spoke roughly, his voice sounding gruff from the coughs he had kept in, and Zayn felt Niall warm hand slip into his own.

“I’d do anything for you.” Niall finished and Zayn looked at Niall and nodded, before looking up at the sky.    

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