Chapter Forty Nine

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“Zayn, you’re home, I was getting worried about you.” Harry Styles spoke quietly, as he opened his front door to let Zayn inside. Zayn couldn’t help but smile at Harry. The words ‘home’ had never felt so perfect before. Harry shut the door as Zayn walked in, and Zayn quickly engulfed him into a big hug.

“I love you, Harry.” Zayn whispered happily, pushing his face into the side of the mass of brown curls. He heard Harry chuckle deeply and felt as his big hands wrap around his waist and hold him tightly.

“I love you too, Z.” Harry whispered, before moving his head away from Zayn’s so that the two boys’ could look at each other. They smiled at each other, before the sounds of Safaa singing in the next room broke their comfortable silence, and Zayn couldn’t help but chuckle to himself.

“How were the girls? Were they too much trouble? I won’t bring them round again, I just didn’t know where else to go, but I’m sorry to leave you with them,” Zayn started to ramble quickly but Harry shushed him by placing a short kiss onto Zayn’s lips.

“Zayn, I love them to bits! I want you to bring them around more often, we had so much fun, we made tacos, and you never told me how funny they were!” Harry chuckled quietly, before he lead Zayn off into the living room, and Zayn couldn’t help but laugh at the mess it was in. Harry and the two girls had attempted to make a duvet fort in the living room, the chairs had all moved around and they’d even brought in chairs from the kitchen to help with the fort. There were duvets and blankets and cushions everywhere, but Zayn had to admit, this was awesome.

“Wow…” Zayn gasped as he looked around the room with a wide smile.

“Zayn’s back! Zayn! Zayn come inside!” Safaa and Waliyha started to yell out to him, and both boys started to laugh again.

“There’s popcorn in there…they’ve probably eaten it all.” Harry chuckled, before he led Zayn through the maze of blankets and pillows, and both boys ended up crawling into the duvet fort, where there were a couple of lamps, and both girls were looking intently at the screen of a Macbook.

“Hey Zayn! Where have you been? Harry was getting so stressed.” Waliyha laughed, and Safaa suddenly crawled over to her big brother and jumped onto his lap.

“Where’s Zayn?” Safaa boomed out, making her voice low and deep, just like Harry’s. Zayn couldn’t help but burst into laughter, as Harry sat next to him with blushing pink cheeks.

“You’re such a monkey, Safaa!” Harry huffed, before he leant over and tickled her small body, which made Safaa erupt in laughter as she wriggled on Zayn’s lap. Zayn couldn’t help but beam a smile, in fact his cheeks were hurting so much from it, but he had never seen the girls happier. Seeing them happier ultimately made him even happier as well.

“Seems that you both had a good time, though?” Zayn asked them looking at Harry with a grateful smile before looking back at his sisters.

“It’s been so fun! Harry makes the bestest tacos ever!” Safaa yelled out excitedly again, before jumping off of Zayn’s lap and onto Harry’s. Harry simply blushed and gave her a cuddle, which made Zayn smile even more.

“And Dusty is so cute! Can we get a cat Zayn? Please!” Waliyha added, as she laid on her tummy looking at the Macbook screen with interest.

“I don’t know, I’ll think about it. I don’t think Mum would want a kitten running around with a new baby coming along though!” Zayn chuckled, before both girls gave a long groan.

“No fair!” They both whined and Zayn rolled his eyes and looked at Harry again.

“Oh, Waliyha, show Zayn what you did on the Macbook!” Harry said suddenly, and Zayn looked at where Waliyha was with the Macbook smiling proudly.

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