Chapter Twenty Nine

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Zayn Malik walked along the dark streets of Bradford. It was starting to get late, but with it being October, the nights were drawing in quicker and quicker. He strode along his street, his hands in his pockets as he headed to the corner shop. It wasn’t a long walk, so he didn’t really mind. His Mother was in need of some teabags to calm her down, and, after she had confessed to him that she was already four months pregnant, Zayn figured that he’d have to start pulling his finger out even more than he already did at home.

After being thrown onto the coffee table by his Father only hours earlier, no one had heard from him. He’d obviously went on another pub-crawl with his scabby friends. At the thought of his Dad, Zayn shuddered. His skin still felt the impact of the hard coffee table everytime he breathed, but that wasn’t the least of his worries. Everytime he closed his eyes, he saw his Father’s fist torpedo into his Mother’s face, the crack from it still echoing around his head sickeningly. He had no idea how he was going to be able to get to sleep tonight, with so much going on inside of his mind. How the hell was Waliyha going to be able to get to sleep?

 That thought made Zayn shudder again, and he felt his hands tremble from the stress of it all. He subconsciously drew a cigarette from his pocket, bringing it to his lips and lighting it as he walked up the road. Poor Waliyha. He knew that she had seen something, he just didn’t know how much she had seen. Why had she seen any of it? She shouldn’t have seen that, it’s just not fair to the young girl. She was seven years old, and to see something so horrific happen right in front of her eyes to her own family broke Zayn’s heart. It would probably be best if Zayn slept on the floor of his sister’s room again tonight, maybe it would make Waliyha feel better. He had to talk to her, but how would he talk to her about this? He let out another sigh as he thought over the situation, before taking a long drag on his cigarette.

He was two thirds of the way up his street, the shop corner in sight, when he was suddenly grabbed from behind. A strong hand grabbed the back of his varsity jacket collar, the other hand on his arm. Zayn suddenly panicked, immediately thinking that it was his Dad. Oh God, what would his Dad do to him now? Zayn had been so badly beaten and bruised lately, that he didn’t know how much more pain he could take. The two strong hands threw him roughly against a wall, in a small alleyway inbetween two houses, that led off to another small street. Zayn gasped for breath, the impact against the wall adding more injury to what had happened to him earlier, practically knocking all of the precious air from his lungs. He would have dropped to his knees, if it weren’t for the two strong arms hoisting him up against a wall. His eyes had been tightly shut, as he concentrated on simply trying to breathe, when he had first heard that voice.

“I told you, Malik.” Alex Johnson’s rough voice projected along the alleyway, a hint of amusement behind his hateful words. Zayn’s eyes slowly opened as he looked up. He wasn’t being pinned by Alex, he was being pinned against the wall by a teenage guy, probably a year or two older than themselves. Zayn swore he had delivered some of Alex’s stuff to him on one of his deliveries. Alex was leaning against the other wall, nonchalantly.  

“I told you not to fuck this up. I told you not to piss me off, babe.” Alex sighed, looking down at his nails, before looking up at Zayn. Zayn could see those eyes even in the dark alleyway. They were burning into his soul.

“What…what did I do?” Zayn asked, as his shoulders were still being pinned against the wall by the tall, Hulk of a guy in front of him. The guy holding him turned around to Alex and started to laugh, and a grin spread onto Alex’s face as he looked at his teammate.

“I told you he was cute.” Alex chuckled, before stepping forward and looking at Zayn.

“I told you to meet me two hours ago.” Alex growled, the grin fading from his face, as both boys now stood in front of Zayn. Oh shit. Zayn completely forgot about that. Zayn looked up at the two boys, realising the beating that he was going to get. However this played out, he was going to get hurt somehow. Any chances of him fighting were slim as well, he was knackered, and his body already felt like it was running off the last of his energy.

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