Chapter Two

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 Liam Payne was holding onto his two friend’s arms as he rushed them down the long, school corridor. He tutted to himself as he dragged his friends along, wishing that Zayn had just listened to him. But no, Zayn had to have a cigarette, and he had to have one in the upper school toilets. He loved Zayn, and Niall, they were his two best friends, and without their antics Liam would find himself in a world of boredom when it came to long lessons, but they were a pain. Zayn was determined to be seen as the bad boy, and his edgy looks and quick temper had helped him slip into that role, but now Liam was worried for the sake of Niall. Niall Horan was his best friend, and he was really special to Liam. He was the youngest of the boys, and therefore Liam tended to look out for him more, especially as the fact that Niall was very easily influenced by Zayn. Not that Zayn noticed half of the time. Take today, for example. When Zayn had decided he needed his cigarette and went into the toilets, he stood and has his cigarette, and because of this, Niall had followed him into the toilets like a puppy, and looked longingly at Zayn when he smoked. Niall was a nice boy, he never really got into much serious trouble like Zayn tended too, but he had a habit of trying to impress Zayn, for some reason. Liam had observed this not only today, but in the last year. Liam didn’t want Niall to slip down Zayn’s past, Zayn was trouble enough as it was, but he didn’t need to be looking after both of his friends like their Father. Liam was lost in his thoughts about Niall that he didn’t realise that Niall himself was tugging madly at Liam’s arm.

“Liam, get off, you’re hurting me.” Niall’s Irish laugh brought Liam from his daze. He released Zayn and Niall from his grip and looked at Zayn irritably.

“Zayn, you almost got me and Niall into trouble, I told you that you should have just gone outside to have a fag.” Liam scolded him, once again feeling like their Father and not their friend. Zayn rolled his eyes and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“Liam, you’re doing it again…” Zayn sighed, and Liam saw out of the corner of his eye, Niall nod along, even though he was probably clueless as to what he was agreeing too.

“Zayn, it’s the first day back, I’m just trying to look out for you. You’re already being watched by all the teachers,” Liam started, although Zayn cut him off.

“I know you’re trying to look out for me, mate, but you’re acting like my Father again.” Zayn replied, with a small smirk.

“You’re Dad’s crazy, what are you trying to say?” Liam asked with a laugh, and Niall chuckled as well.

“We’re trying to say that we come to school to leave our parent’s at home, not to leave them at home and then be mothered by you, Li.” Niall laughed, putting his arm around Liam and smiling that goofy smile at him. Liam chuckled as he looked into his friend’s blue eyes, and tried to ignore the goosebumps that were erupting over his back. For some reason, Liam’s skin tended to tingle when Niall touched him. He didn’t know why, he just presumed that he was cold in comparison to the heat from Niall’s hand whenever he touched him.

“Boys, you’re both a whole lot of trouble. If it wasn’t for me, you’d be in prison.” Liam laughed, before hitting the back of Zayn and Niall’s head, and the three boys went rushing towards assembly, trying to play fight in the process.

Liam sat in his A-level English class with a smile on his face. This year, the A-level English Lit class had a new teacher, Mr Styles, and he was a really good teacher so far. The lesson had consisted of a funny ‘get to know each other’ game, before talking about how the rest of the year would go. Mr Styles was quite young, and he had told the class that this was his first, although you couldn’t tell with the amount of confidence that oozed from him. He was laidback, and even cracked a few jokes, and Liam was glad that one of his most loved subjects was now being taught with the enthusiasm it deserved. Liam loved English lit, although Niall couldn’t understand why. Niall liked the more practical subjects. He took music, media and the sciences. Liam couldn’t understand why he’d want to take science, he must have been crazy, but if he was happy, Liam was. Liam was currently taking English Lit, History and philosophy. He enjoyed writing, and tended to do well in all of his lessons, even though they could be boring at times. Unlike now, he thought, as the small class of twelve let out a laugh at another one of Mr Styles jokes.

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