Chapter Fifty Four

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Zayn Malik soon found that the Christmas holidays came and went quicker than he thought they would, and he was back in Harry’s chilly classroom, watching how the dark rain clouds poured out the January rain. After Christmas, the run up to the New Year was slow, but after New Year, the days went too quick. Zayn couldn’t help but smile though; he and his sisters had spent most of their time at Harry’s small, yet cosy house. The girls loved him and being at his house, and he knew that for a fact because he kept asking the girls if they were okay with going to Harry’s, and each time they got even more excited than the last.

But, the time that rushed past him wasn’t exactly helpful. The more time that passed meant the quicker his Mother’s baby bump started to grow, and that made Zayn realise how unprepared they were for the new baby. They still needed baby stuff, food, nappies, and toys. The baby could sleep in the girls’ old cot, and the baby could wear the girls’ old baby clothes, but there was so much expenses to prepare for, and then there was the fact that Zayn had to try and teach himself how to look after a baby. He was eighteen in a few days, but instead of going out and getting drunk like normal teenagers would do, he would be stuck in his house, trying to get the girls into bed before looking up youtube videos on how to look after babies. He sighed a little and rubbed his forehead, looking down at the notes and scribbles that he had taken from Harry’s mini-lecture about Shakespeare. He was trying to concentrate because the better he did in English, the more proud Harry was of him, and he loved the feeling of making Harry proud, but he had so much on his mind he was finding it hard, and it appeared that Harry had seen through this from the other side of the room, because Zayn’s phone vibrated softly in his pocket, as a sign he had received a message. He leaned back in his chair in an attempt to make it look like he was stretching, and in doing so checked his phone and the message from Harry.

‘What’s on your mind? You look stressed…stuff at home?xx’

Zayn couldn’t help but smile at how his boyfriend seemed to know when something was wrong. But then again, Harry had seen Zayn in enough trouble to know for definite when something was wrong, so he must have been a professional at judging Zayn’s moods.

‘I didn’t sleep much last night, youtubed how to burp babies, then remembered I had art homework…didn’t get to sleep till three. I’m tired, Hazz. :(xx’

Zayn sent back before slipping the phone back into his pocket and stretching. He didn’t know why he was hiding his phone from his teacher, when he was the one he was texting, but that’s keeping up appearances for you. He sneakily watched as his teacher picked up his phone and looked over it with those caring green eyes. His teacher’s fingers tapped at the screen before he placed his iPhone down and started to go off on another speech about Shakespeare’s childhood or something. Zayn clicked off and simply looked into his pocket to see the message on his phone.

‘Oh Z, my poor baby. I miss your kisses and cuddles…especially your kisses. X’

Zayn smiled darkly to himself. He knew where this was going…

‘My kisses? Which ones…xx’

‘The kisses to my cock, of course. :) Get on with your work, 15 mins till end of lesson. xx’

Zayn tried so hard to not let out a laugh, and slipped the phone back into his pocket before trying to scribble another few notes down.

Just before the bell for next lesson went, Zayn felt the phone in his pocket start to vibrate once more. As he pulled on his blazer, his shirt and tie messy beneath it, he turned around to face the wall and checked his phone. Harry’s voice was going on about some sort of homework, but Zayn’s eyes were stuck to the text from his Mum. It was the first time that his Mother had properly talked to him in weeks, but this was now an emergency, because she was asking to ring her. Without a second thought he went straight to speed dial and rang up his Mum. She answered after two dials.

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