Chapter Twenty Six

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“Do you want to talk?” Harry’s deep voice echoed around the small car. Zayn looked across at him warily, and shook his head, not wanting to say a word, not even wanting to think, or breathe, or do anything. He felt emotionally spent after those last few hours. So much had happened, so much to process and think over, Zayn thought to himself. His cheeks were tear-stained, his once gelled up fringe scruffily falling in front of his forehead, and as he looked into his reflection in the car window, his chocolate eyes were devoid of emotion. He was so spent.

Harry hadn’t had any more lessons to teach for the rest of the day, and practically forced Zayn into his school car at lunchtime, knowing Zayn wouldn’t be able to be strong enough for the rest of the day. Zayn looked away from his reflection and to the curly haired boy in front of him. It was weird to think that Zayn had such a huge attachment to him, yet considered he barely knew him. But, even because of all of this, Harry could read him like a book, and Zayn had to admit to himself, he liked that. He liked the feeling of knowing that someone knew him, that someone wanted to know him. Zayn felt himself smile, his lips tingling from the aftershock of Harry’s kiss. Harry must have noticed Zayn was staring, and sent him a quick look, his mouth breaking into a lop-sided smile, before his eyes going back to the lunchtime traffic. Zayn had no idea where Harry’s house was, but he was about to find out.

Harry drove up a couple of side streets, with rows and rows of small, terraced houses, the small roadside covered with parked cars, as Harry tried to find a spot as close to his house as possible. When his car eventually pulled up, Harry unclicked his and Zayn’s seatbelt, and sent a heavenly smile to Zayn, before getting out of the car. Zayn was about to do the same, before he realised that Harry was already holding his car door open, offering his hand to help Zayn out. Zayn sent him another thankful smile, entwining his fingers with Harry’s, as Harry closed the car door and locked the car door behind him.

“So, this is my house. The old lady next-door to me always parks her car in front of mine, even though she never uses the bloody thing.” Harry explained, with a cheeky smile, the pointless information making Zayn feel slightly happier. Harry pulled Zayn along a small front garden, before he unlocked his front door. Zayn looked into the cute hallway as Harry stood to one side to let him in first. Zayn couldn’t help but smile again at how gentleman-like Harry was being. He’d never been treated with so much respect, or love. Harry closed the front door behind them and led Zayn into a small living room, which was dominated by a huge LCD TV.

“Yeah, you can see what my first pay packet went on.” Harry laughed, as Zayn sank down onto the extremely comfy looking sofa, his tired body sinking into the softness of it.

“It’s worth it.” Zayn finally spoke, with a small smile, which made Harry smile too, his dimples shining like stars at night. Harry threw off his hoodie, throwing it onto the sofa before disappearing out of the room. Zayn watched him go, before finally forcing himself to lean forward, and kick off his shoes. His eyes were tired, and he rubbed his eyes and forehead in his hands, when he heard a cheerful little meow, and something brushing on his leg. He took his hands away from his face and looked down to see a fluffy, black and white cat looking up at him with enchanting green eyes.

“You look like your owner.” Zayn chuckled to himself, before giving the cat a soft stroke, which made it purr and rub itself onto his leg more. Sounds of feet hitting the stairs were the next sound that came to contact with Zayn’s ears, followed by Harry’s voice.

“I see you’ve met Dusty, she loves people.” Harry explained, as he walked into the living room wearing a baggy white t-shirt, showing off a set of fucking flawless collarbones, and a pair of grey jogging bottoms. Zayn took a moment to take in the collarbones, and some tattoos that trailed down his left arm.

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