Chapter Twenty One

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Liam Payne walked into the sixth form common room on the cold, Tuesday morning and spotted Niall sat on his own on a small table. It was the table that they always sat on, and Liam wanted nothing more than to walk over and join him, as if none of their argument never happened. He wanted to see Niall’s smile again, and he wanted to hear his laugh. He loved it when he made Niall laugh. It made him feel special, but right now, he felt like a complete arsehole. He was so harsh on Niall yesterday, and Niall was right, he was treating him like a child. He just wished he could take back everything. Liam took a breath, preparing himself to go over to Niall. He had came in early, to try and catch Niall on his own, away from Josh, Zayn, even Ed and Olly. Liam adjusted his school uniform, a nervous habit of his, before walking over to Niall slowly. Niall was stuck into some sort of murder, mystery novel, which made Liam smile, because Liam had given him the book to read once he was finished with it. That was another little thing about Niall, he always took Liam’s advice. Well, most of the time. Liam walked over to the table and cleared his throat. Niall’s blue eyes moved up from the page in the book and up at Liam, his mouth that had been slowly mouthing out the words as he read them came to a stop, as he looked up at Liam, a look of sadness and guilt on his face. Liam’s own face reflected this, too.

“Can I sit here? I, I wondered if I could talk to you, please, Niall.” Liam asked quietly, trying to clear his throat in order to project his words louder, even though it came to no use. Niall gulped and scratched the back of his head for a moment.

“I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to talk to me, and I understand because I don’t really want to talk to me either right now but,” Liam started to ramble, the words pouring out of his mouth quickly. The corners of Niall’s mouth turned upwards for a short moment, which made Liam stop immediately and hope fill his heart, like a balloon.

“Liam, you can sit here. I think it’s best we talk.” Niall agreed, his Irish accent like music to Liam’s ears. Since their fight, Liam had never felt this desperate for Niall. Liam sat down opposite him, as Niall folded the page of his book and closed it, looking at it for a second before looking up at Liam. The two boys looked at each other for a moment, with a pinch of awkwardness.

“I guess…I’ll just go first…?” Liam asked quietly, and Niall nodded, so Liam took in a breath again and looked up at him honestly.

“Niall, I treated you so badly yesterday. I can’t believe how I shouted at you and talked to you, it feels like some other, really nasty person came into me, and I feel so bad. I’m so sorry, Nialler. You have no idea how bad I feel about this.” Liam started, wanting to tell Niall everything that he had spent last night upset and crying about. Niall nodded, taking in his words, yet gesturing him to go on.

“You’re my best friend, yet I’m treating you more like a little brother, and I shouldn’t. I can’t help but see you as a younger brother though, Ni. I know that’s annoying for you, I know I’m annoying, but I’m sorry, I just get protective over you. I’m just so sorry for not realising that you’re your own person, and it’s your life to live, I just…I’m just sorry, Niall. You don’t have to accept it, just know that I’m sorry for everything I said.” Liam told him, looking up at him honestly. Niall looked at him for a moment with a straight mouth. The hope that Liam had felt when Niall had smiled started to fizz out, and Liam realised that this wasn’t going to go like his dreams and visions had thought. Maybe he should just leave Niall on his own for a bit, to think; if he even wanted to think about Liam, that is.

“I’ll just, I’ll go.” Liam mumbled, before going to get up.

“Wait!” Niall told him, reaching over and grabbing onto his arm. Liam slowly sank back down to his chair, the hope flipping around in his stomach like butterflies.

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