Chapter Forty Five

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Across the city of Bradford, two other boys had woken up in each other’s arms, although whether that was what they wanted was a whole other question for Niall Horan. The early November sunshine was being blocked out by the light blue curtains that were hung in the Irish boy’s room as he was laid cuddled up in Liam Payne’s arms. Liam was still fast asleep, his eyelids closed and disallowing Niall a chance to glance into his brown eyes, but as he stared up at the messy haired boy, he was trying it figure out if this is what he really wanted. Liam was holding him protectively, but even though the older boy was asleep Niall could still feel the amount of love that was coming from the sleeping boy and his actions. That’s what hurt Niall the most. He truly did love Liam, and he had wanted to wake up in his arms for a while now, but this wasn’t how he wanted it to be.

Niall’s blue eyes wandered from Liam’s handsome face and ruffled up brown hair to his neck. His neck was clean and free of love bites by this time, but just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean that it’s not there, right? It didn’t matter if those tacky pink bruises had faded or not, Niall still saw each and every one through his blue eyes, and that’s what made this harder. He wanted him and Liam’s relationship to start off good; he wanted all of this to be ten times better. He’d do anything to close his eyes and curl up in the arms of Liam and continue his sleep, but he couldn’t. That niggling voice that sat in the back of Niall’s head, cursing and judging all of Liam’s actions stopped him from doing anything. Why did Liam have to do that? Why couldn’t Liam just admit to it having happened? Or for that matter, why did Niall have to wait for Liam to come out with it? What if he never did, and Niall sat waiting and wasting his time for something he wasn’t going to hear? Niall’s eyes fluttered closed. As each of the questions popped up in his head, he didn’t know if he wanted them answered or not.

He quickly rolled over so that he wasn’t facing Liam, but the fact that he was still in Liam’s arms didn’t help the questions that kept relentlessly popping up in his mind. The smell of Liam’s heavenly scent didn’t tend to help out much either. Or the fact that Liam’s thumbs were rubbing small, gentle circles into Niall’s soft skin. Niall squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his head sink into his pillow. He didn’t know what he wanted anymore. He wanted this with Liam, but he didn’t want it to continue if it was going to be full of lies and games. Unable still to look at Liam, he reached over to his bedside table and grabbed his mobile phone. He needed some sort of reassurance about what he was doing from Josh. He opened a text and started to pour out everything to his best friend. He placed the phone back on his pillow and sat and waited for his best friend’s reply. It quickly came, the phone vibrating against his pillow and Niall quickly checked that it happened woken the sleeping boy next to him before he read Josh’s response.

‘Dude, just hang in there. He’ll tell you eventually, just try and worm it out of him!’

Niall sighed at the text, and didn’t bother replying. His morals were in turmoil. He threw his phone back onto the bedside table and pulled the duvet over his head, squeezing his eyes shut once more. More questions started to pop up and swim around his head. Whatever he did, he couldn’t escape the ongoing questions that his mind came up with.

Niall stared blankly at his bedroom walls, when he felt the warm body next to him start to yawn and shuffle about. Niall thought back the annoyed groan that was boiling away in his throat. Liam had woken up. There was a part of Niall that wanted to roll over and greet Li with a good morning kiss, but he simply couldn’t. The voice at the back of his mind was constantly reminding him about those tacky pink bruises, and it was getting to the point where Niall couldn’t even look at Liam anymore. This truly was getting harder. Niall felt as Liam took his arms from around Niall, and Niall sighed a little at this, before Liam’s hands quickly traced down Niall’s arms and sides before sliding underneath the material of the loose tank top that he had fallen asleep in, and finding Niall’s soft skin of his waist. Next, he felt the fluttering of Liam’s breath on the nape of his neck before Liam pressed a soft, lingering kiss there.

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