Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N: This is the re-edit. Much better. :)

From the minute that Zayn Malik had entered the classroom, Harry Styles knew something was up. From his past behaviour in his lessons, any other teacher probably would have thought that it was an act, where Zayn would waltz in, say a few little witty things before taking a seat, but this was different. For one, he was clinging onto his left arms as if it had been broken. There was an air around him that just seemed different, but most importantly, as Harry had watched the young boy walk in, he had seen that there was an empty look in his chocolate eyes.

So naturally, after pondering over all of this, when the sound of the boy collapsing from his table and chair and landing onto the floor with a harsh thud, Harry’s skin shivered in fright. For a quick moment, he stood still, unable to process what he had seen. It was like Zayn had just plunged lifelessly from his desk. The rest of the small A-level class turned around, and a few of them rolled their eyes, pulling a face.

“He’s faking it, sir.” One of the boys told him, but something deep inside Harry told him that Zayn wasn’t. Harry dropped what he was doing and rushed over to the student, pulling the desk away from him and the chair from him. HE looked over him, frowning in worry.

“Zayn, seriously Zayn, this isn’t funny.” Harry said, as the rest of the class watched him. He suddenly felt a body next to him, and saw Liam Payne, Zayn’s best friend looking over him in worry. Zayn wasn’t reacting to Harry or Liam’s voice, and the class went from moaning at Zayn to get up, to total silence.

“Zayn, oh my God, Zayn!” Liam burst out, before putting the boys’ head onto his lap and gently slapping the side of his cheek, trying to get something out of him.

There was nothing.

Harry watched him for a moment, before grabbing the boys’ wrist and pulling his sleeves down, in search of a pulse. What he found instead, was small, little blue bruises that ran around his wrist like a daisy chain. Harry immediately felt sick, before trying to find his pulse, his fingers trembling as his skin grazed along the ruined skin of Zayn. 

“Sir, I don’t think he’s faking this, he wouldn’t do this, he wouldn’t go this far.”  Liam told Harry frantically, obviously worrying about his friend. Harry concentrated on the tiny pulse he could feel on his fingers, trying to block out everything around him, desperate on finding some sort of pulse from the boy. Zayn’s skin was ice cold as Harry felt for a pulse that wasn’t showing itself to him. Liam hadn’t gotten any reaction out of him. Harry forced himself into action mode.

“Liam, stay here with him, keep trying to get him, we need help.” Harry told him, before jumping to his feet, trying to figure out what he should do. He ordered a couple of students to go and get the school nurse or a first aider, before he rushed over to get a bottle of water, telling the gathering crowd of students to back off, even telling some to open windows. Liam had been sat trying to get some life out of Zayn, but, as Harry looked over him, and slowly sank back down to his side, he would’ve thought he was dead. That made Harry’s skin turn white, at the thought of it. His stomach churned as the blood fell from his face. He tried to snap himself out of it, madly trying to find his pulse again, his breathing frantic. There had to be some kind of explanation for this.

“Liam, does Zayn have some sort of health problem that would make him do this? Allergies, something like that?” Harry asked, looking at Liam for some sort of answers. Liam shook his head, his face full of fright.

“Oh God, please wake up.” Harry mumbled under his breath, as the first aiders rushed into the classroom, one of them almost pushing Harry to one side. The crowd of students all moved aside for them, and Harry stood back and let them do their job, even though he knew that they’d end up calling an ambulance or something. He told the other students to stand aside as the first aiders started to do exactly what Harry had done, check the boys’ pulse, temperature and breathing rate. Liam was still sat there frightened out of his life. Harry walked over to him, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Zayn’s face. It was going to haunt him forever. He dropped down next to Liam again.

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