Chapter Four

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Niall Horan walked over to where Liam Payne was stood in the lunch queue. Liam looked around and was about to speak to him, when Niall burst out into a coughing fit. Niall had to hold onto Liam at one point as he coughed and coughed. He didn’t necessarily like smoking, in fact it made his throat hurt and he coughed for hours afterwards, and even his parents got suspicious, but no one got more suspicious than Liam.

“Niall! What the hell is wrong with you?” Liam asked once Niall had recovered from his coughing fit. Liam’s hair was wavy and doing its own thing, his birthmark on his neck peaking above his shirt collar. He was about to pass it off as a sore throat when Liam leaned over and started to smell him.

“Have you been smoking with Zayn?” Liam outburst, which made a few of the younger students look at them wide eyed. Niall shrugged, and distracted himself from Liam by filling the tray with as much food as possible. Man, was he hungry.

“Niall…Niall!” Liam continued, elbowing his arm. Niall didn’t consider himself to be the type of person to get mad easily, or mad at all, but Liam was starting to frustrate him.

“Liam, would you chill out please? I’m almost 18, it doesn’t matter if I smoke or not.” Niall said calmly, grabbing one last packet of crisps and walking over to a table where a few of their other friends were sat. Ed, Olly and one of Niall’s good friends, Josh were all sat around, laughing at something Ed had come out with. Niall sat down with a sigh and dropped his tray onto the table, spilling half of its contents across the table.

“Oh for God’s sake…” Niall sighed, rolling his eyes as he quickly collected his food back onto his tray before the other boys stole it.

“Someone’s in a mood! Is the couple having a domestic?” Olly laughed, taking a bite of an apple. Liam now joined the table and looked up at Olly like a deer in the headlights.

“Couple? What couple? Me and Niall? What?” Liam’s voice sounded a little panicked, and the rest of the boys stared at him. Niall looked up at him curiously.

“We’re just saying you guys are like a couple, not that you are one. You’re always together, and I swear some days you finish each other’s sentences.” Josh started to explain, tapping his hands on the table in a drumming beat. He was always doing that with either his hands or feet, because he was a drummer, and the best in the school.

“No we don’t.” Liam and Niall both heard themselves say, before they turned to each other, and even if they were having a small argument, both smiled at each other and laughed.

“So maybe we do, then.” Niall added, before he let out a laugh and started to dig into his large lunch.

“Lads, ladies.” Zayn suddenly greeted, joining the boys’ at the table. Niall finally looked up from his lunch and up at Zayn’s face. His hair was spiked up, as always, giving those beautiful marbled, chocolate eyes the bad boy look that made Niall crave for Zayn. There was something about him, he back chatted to teachers, he wore his own uniform, he was covered in tattoos, and he smoked. Zayn looked at him for a moment before looking at the other boys. Niall hated it when he looked at the other boys. Niall knew he wasn’t good enough for Zayn to even look at, that’s why he had to make himself stand out more. He had to do things like Zayn did, so that he could impress him.

The boys’ all chorused a greeting, as Liam leaned over and sniffed him, like he had done with Niall.

“So Zayn, I hear you’ve already had a run in with the English teacher. I heard from Liam he’s not a bad guy.” Olly laughed, and Zayn sent a darting look at Liam.

“You like that guy? He’s such a tool.” Zayn scoffed, before digging into a packet of crisps. Niall nodded along in agreement, even though he had no idea who the new teacher was. He didn’t even know there was a new teacher. If a lesson didn’t have something he could blow up, or play, he didn’t really give a shit about it.

“You only hate him cause he said a few things in class…” Liam started quietly, although he could feel Zayn’s eyes burning into him.

“He made a laughing stock out of me. Twice!” Zayn insisted, and Liam shrugged and went back to his food.

“Talking of tool, here he comes…look at the dimples on that.” Ed said, and the six boys all looked around to see the young, English teacher strolling through the lunch hall. Niall saw the curly haired, slim young man, and had trouble trying to figure out if the boys were taking the piss and it was just a new student. Whoever he was, he was a sex God, nevertheless.

There was something about the way he walked. It oozed in confidence, yet also showed the true nervousness about him as well. He looked as awkward as fuck. Niall shrugged and looked back at his food, which he was already halfway through, when he saw how Zayn was staring at him. Those chocolate eyes were looking over the English teacher with a violent hunger for him. Niall didn’t know what was going on with Zayn and this English teacher, but he didn’t like it.     

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