Chapter Twenty

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A/N: I never thought that I would have so much support for this story at all, yet alone this soon. I am so thankful for every read, comment, vote, fan, all of that! Chapter Twenty is dedicated to YOU. Every one of you beautiful, Zarry shipping, sweethearts. :) Enough ramblings, read already!:)<3 Hayley xo

Zayn was heavy footed as he walked down the familiar road to the allotments, where Alex was waiting for him. He was extremely tired. When he had gotten to the girls’ primary school to pick them up, both of them were tired, and both girls had been kicking up all night. It was just one of those nights. Then, as he finally got them settled down into bed, and tried not to fall out with his Mother who had made yet another appearance, he was being bombarded with messages from Alex. To say Alex probably wasn’t the happiest of people this evening was correct, and maybe it was a slight understatement. Zayn hadn’t been able to get out of the house until late, which had already annoyed Alex. Zayn just felt like today everyone was getting easily annoyed. Everyone was falling out and arguing today, Zayn just couldn’t escape it. Because of this, he was starting to feel worn out by it, especially since Alex had sent him around half of Bradford to deal with drugged up, and tight-moneyed druggies.

Zayn let out a sigh as he reached up to where Alex was stood, bobbing about.

“You’re late, Malik. Where have you been?” Alex demanded, leaning up from the fence, tapping his foot slightly. Zayn looked over his appearance under the orange glow of the lamplight, in the dark night. Alex’s eyes seemed dreary even though he was fairly energetic.

“You sent me half way around the city, and you expect me to be done in five minutes?” Zayn couldn’t help but snap, pulling out the money for Alex from his pocket.

“I wanted you back five minutes ago.” Alex growled, reaching over quickly and going through the money, counting it as he did so. His eyes skimmed over each note, his lips subconsciously counting each note. Zayn watched in curiosity, as Alex did this three or four times before folding it into his pocket.

“I wanted you back here atleast five minutes ago.” Alex repeated, causing Zayn to frown again.

“You told me. Can you pay me, so I can go?” Zayn asked him, a slight growl in the back of his throat. He was tired of being messed around now. He was tired and cold, he wanted to get home and get to bed before his Dad got in. This was his pub night, Monday’s and Friday’s were always his pub night, and the night that Zayn had to get in early, else he’d turn into his Father’s punching bag again.

“But you were supposed to be here five minutes ago.” Alex growled, standing up to his full height.

“How does five minutes make a big difference?” Zayn snapped once more, which made Alex stare down at him angrily. His black hair looked almost silky in the moonlight, as Zayn looked up at him. Something was definitely up with Alex tonight, and it finally clicked as to what it was. Alex’s foot was still tapping, he was fidgety, and he kept rubbing the bottom of his nose. He’d obviously indulged in some of his own stash.

“Because it means I’m stood here in the cold for an extra five minutes when I could be doing something worthwhile.” Alex told him, standing extremely close to him, their faces inches from each other. Zayn didn’t know which way this was going to go. He had seen anger in his Father’s eyes many times, but it had never looked like this. Alex looked angry, but there was that constant look in his eye that Zayn could never depict. It was unpredictable, just like how Alex was himself.

“I just want my money.” Zayn heard himself demand, even though looking in Alex’s eyes had distracted him. His blue eyes were so piercing, so cold, and so ruined. They weren’t like the green eyes of Harry. Zayn loved looking into Harry’s eyes, especially when he could see the annoyance in them, but even when Harry wasn’t annoyed, there was always a certain softness in the green pools that were the dominating feature of his face. It wasn’t like Alex’s; not at all.

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