Chapter Forty

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“Sup Josh?” Niall greeted, as he sat down opposite his best friend in the busy Nandos in the centre of Bradford. Josh looked up from his phone with a wide smile when he realised his friend had arrived.

“Hey man! How’s your half term so far?” Josh asked, and Niall felt himself sink into his seat, but he plastered a smile on his face anyway.

He had been looking forwards to half term ever since he and Liam and confessed that they liked each other. Niall had planned loads of little things that he was going to do for Liam, like on the first night of the half term, he was going to invite Liam around for a sleepover, order in his favourite pizza and play video games all night, before he would cuddle up to Liam in his single bed, maybe a boring film in the background, filling the room with a quiet noise. Then, Niall was going to lean in and place a kiss on Liam’s lips when he was concentrating on the film, and finish the kiss with asking him to be his boyfriend. Liam would say yes, and then they’d cuddle and kiss until they fell asleep.

That’s what Niall thought was going to happen, but ever since he had seen those disgusting love bites on Liam’s beautiful neck, the thought of seeing Liam made him want to be sick. He still liked him, no scrap that, he loved Liam, but he couldn’t look him in the face without wanting to scream ‘lying cunt!’ at him.

“It’s been…chilled out.” Niall finally answered, before he and Josh got up and went over to order their food. Niall decided he would pig out today, it was his favourite place to eat, with one of his best friends, so why not? And maybe the Nandos would fill the weird, gaping whole in his heart. They ordered their food before going back to sit down, and that’s when Niall realised Josh was looking at him with a very matter-of-factly look.

“Chilled out? You mean, you’ve done nothing, you’ve been sat on your own?” Josh asked, as if not believing it. Niall nodded innocently. That’s what had happened, he just sat and watched films with his brother or begged his Mum to make him some food.

“Pfft, what have you and Liam been getting up too? Secret meetings, eh?” Josh laughed to himself, but the laughing stopped as Josh realised that Niall’s face had dropped. Niall’s eyes left Josh’s face and he looked down at the table, where he sat tracing his fingers along the patterns of the wood.

“I knew something was up.” Josh replied quietly, and Niall looked up at him with a sad smile. Josh was his best friend, and it was time for Niall to express his concerns about Liam, else everything would get bottled up.

“I trust you mate, so I’m just going to tell you everything.” Niall spoke up finally, looking at Josh with a sad smile. Josh leaned forward in interest, ready to listen. Everyone thought that Niall and Josh were just hyper and crazy when they were together, but they were pretty serious at times.

Niall and Josh sat in Nandos for a hell of a long time. Niall started at the point in the guys’ toilets, where Liam had out-ed Niall in front of Zayn, and went all the way up to when Niall had found the love bites on Liam, not even an hour after telling each other their real feelings for each other. Josh was really patient with Niall, and Niall felt so much better for telling him everything. They had somehow managed to finish off their food throughout the long talk as well.

“Well, that really doesn’t sound like something Liam would do, Ni.” Josh finally said, before sipping on the straw to his drink. Niall shrugged.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s something he would or wouldn’t do though, it’s done, he’s done it, and had the love bites to prove it.” Niall sighed, looking down at his own drink. Josh looked at Niall for a quiet second, biting on his lip, before he nodded.

“I don’t know, Nialler, something about this whole thing seems odd. What if it’s some sort of test? Or game?” Josh asked, but Niall shook his head.

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