Chapter Fifty Six

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“Zayn! Zayn, wake up Zayn!” Waliyha and Safaa started to shout and yell, bringing Zayn from his peacefully sleep. Zayn let out a groan and pulled the pillow over his face as the sounds of his sister’s feet ran into the room. The two girls clambered out of the bed, and when he heard Harry let out a groan, Zayn couldn’t help but smile into the pillow. Ever since the argument with his Mum, he had stayed with Harry, and the girls had been with them as well. He couldn’t have been happier, but now on this early Friday morning, he was too tired to do anything.

“Ow.” Harry grumbled again, and Zayn finally prized open his eyes when Waliyha’s body dived onto Zayn’s back.

“Ow indeed…” Zayn moaned, as Safaa jumped up and down on the bed excitedly.

“Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Zayn,” Safaa started singing, and Harry and Waliyha quickly joined in.

“To smelly bum!” Safaa burst out mid song, and Zayn pushed her over on the bed with a cheeky smile, his cheeks blushing pink as his family sang to him. When they stopped singing, they all cheered and Zayn rolled his eyes before receiving a big kiss on the cheek from Waliyha.

“Happy eighteenth birthday, Z!” Harry smiled widely, before both boys leaned into each other and their lips met in the middle, a perfect morning kiss for what was seeming like an ever-growing perfect day. Safaa let out a cry of shock, and both boys realised they had kissed in front of the girls and broke it off.

“Eww!” Safaa moaned, her little body laying on the edge of the bed dramatically, while Waliyha sat opposite her little sister, one of her eyebrows raised as she looked at her.

“I told you that they loved each other, you owe me a whole day to play with your dolls.” Waliyha spoke matter of factly, before she passed Zayn the collection of cards she had held out in her hands. Safaa let out a dramatic sigh, and the boys looked at each other with a smirk because of her antics.

“It’s just so gross…kissing, why do people do it? They do it on the TV, in the movies, now my big brother does it, urgh!” Safaa burst out dramatically, and the two boys couldn’t help but laugh as they sat up in bed, as the birthday rituals began.

“You’re only being like that because you fancied Harry.” Waliyha spoke up, and Harry burst out laughing again. Zayn let out a ragged sigh, and pulled the pillow up over his head.

“I don’t want to know who my baby sister fancies!” Zayn laughed, and Harry gently scooped her up in his arms and planted a kiss on her blushing cheeks before cuddling her. Waliyha had been laughing, but pushed the cards into Zayn’s hands once more with an excited smile. Zayn took them and started to open up all of his cards, they were all from his sisters and Harry. He even had one from Dusty the cat, which made him roll his eyes and give Harry a ‘really?’ look.

“Right, you guys better start getting ready, I’ll get some breakfast going.” Zayn told them, giving Waliyha a thankful kiss on the cheek.

“Whoa, no babe! You’re the birthday boy, so why don’t you get ready, and then go and relax while I make your favourite breakfast.” Harry said, before he climbed out of bed with Safaa still sat on his hip.

“Could the birthday boy have an extra ten minutes in bed?” Zayn asked with a cheeky, yet hopeful smile as he looked up at his boyfriend. Harry rolled his eyes but smiled and left the room, calling for Waliyha to follow him and help him get breakfast ready. Zayn watched as his sisters and his boyfriend left the room and he listened to the sound of them all going down the stairs, talking and chattering away eagerly about what they had to do. Zayn chuckled before leaning back in the warm bed and placing his head on Harry’s pillow and inhaling the sweet scent.

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