Chapter Thirty Nine

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It was the start of the October half term, and as Zayn laid in bed on that Saturday morning, with which was probably the last of the October sunshine filling his room, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander off and reflect on the previous term. So much had happened, and there had been such a huge change in his life. Firstly, there was his family life. His two sisters were growing up rapidly in front of his eyes. He swore they were seven going on seventeen at times, but he wouldn’t change them for the world. They were perfect as they were to him. The one-liners that they both came out with at times really did make his day. It was quite a coincidence at that moment, because Zayn could hear Safaa singing from downstairs. That made him chuckle, before he rolled over in his bed and looked over the drawings that were on his wall. Some were his, and some were drawn by his sisters. Waliyha showed such great talent already, but Zayn was worried about her.

Since the day that she had seen their Father throw Zayn onto the coffee table, she hadn’t been the same. She’d been much more quiet and withdrawn, and the nightmares that she had had constantly grew worse over time. He’d spent many nights sat in their room until one or two o’clock because she refused to go to sleep not knowing he wasn’t in the room. One morning, she didn’t even want to get out of bed because she knew their Father was in the house. Of course, Waliyha hadn’t actually admitted that, but Zayn knew that was the real reason. He had a lot of stuff on his hands, and this was just another brick to the pile that were balanced on his shoulders.

That brought him thinking about his Mother. Ever since revealing her pregnancy, it was as if she was a different woman. She was back to being like her old self. She even got dressed out of her pyjamas on some days. But, he knew it wasn’t going to last. He was worried that once the baby was born, then everything would just come crumbling down again. He’d be the one to look after the baby, it always came down to him at the end of the day. That was the reason his internet history was filled with baby websites, he was trying to learn about babies in readiness. Maybe the baby would have a more positive effect on the family though? Maybe it would bring their parents together…

Zayn quickly shook his head. It was past that now. His Dad practically didn’t live here anymore. He’d overheard his Mother and neighbours talking about how he had another house on the other side of town, where he was living with another woman. He didn’t know if it was true or not, but whether it was, it made him sick. To think their Father would just abandon them like that. He barely paid anything at the minute, so how they were all going to get money Zayn had no idea. He was just going to have to do more for Alex, he guessed.

That’s when his tired mind wandered to thoughts of Alex. Alex made him shiver. His dealing timetable was now multiplying, with more teenagers finding out how easy, and cheap, Alex was giving them out for. But that meant that Zayn was being run off his feet, and he had almost been caught by the police on one of Alex’s many deliveries. If it hadn’t been for a wheelie bin to hide behind, Zayn would have ended up in possession of drugs, and stuck in a cell for the night. He couldn’t let that happen, the girls and his Mum wouldn’t be able to cope if he was stuck in a cell. That’s why he had to be more careful about what he was doing, and where he was hiding them. But, he couldn’t simply stop. He needed the money, no, scrap that, his family needed the money.

That brought him to the other thing that he needed the most. Harry. Even though he and Harry weren’t officially together, they may as well have been. Harry was perfect. Whenever Zayn needed to escape his life, Harry was his outlet, and he’d spend hours at night with him, simply talking and enjoying each other’s company. They both wanted more, but they couldn’t go any further. Harry was his teacher, for goodness sake, they couldn’t afford for this to go wrong. One day, Harry was going to be a successful teacher, and Zayn wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of that happening. He cared too much about Harry and Harry’s future to mess it up. If he wanted more of Harry, then he was going to have to wait. That’s one reason he quite liked the dark nights in the late months of the year. When he went to Harry’s, barely anyone could see him because it was so dark, and when he went home too, it was the same case. By the time it would be summer, Zayn would have finished sixth form and will have turned eighteen as well, so it would be better off to wait. It was so hard to wait, though, especially with someone like Harry.

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