Chapter Fifty One

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The three boys sat in McDonalds with a hell of a lot of greasy breakfast food in front of them. Niall and Liam were sat next to each other with Zayn sat opposite, facing them both. He couldn’t help but smile as he saw how happy his two best friends were once again. He honestly didn’t know the last time he felt that everyone was happy, and together like this. Zayn sipped on his coffee as he saw how Liam looked at Niall’s face with a smile, before he wiped his thumb on the Irish boys’ chin where crumbs from the hash brown that Niall had demolished had latched onto. Liam put his thumb to his mouth, which earned Niall to send him a wide, yet loving smile, before he leaned in and kissed Liam’s lips happily. Zayn watched as Liam’s eyes fluttered closed and he could almost feel the amount of love that came off them both like some sort of radiator. Zayn looked down for a moment, placing his coffee cup back onto the table, his fingers finding the corner of one of the many McDonalds wrappers, and he started to rip the corners a little. Should he…?

“Zayn, are you okay?” Niall asked, and Zayn quickly looked back up to see how his two best friends were looking at him a little worriedly. Zayn nodded his head but sighed.

“I met someone.” Zayn blurted out, before he crossed the fingers on his left hand, mentally telling himself to break a leg.

“Who?” Liam quickly asked, and Zayn couldn’t help but smirk a little as he saw both boys’ mouths turn upwards in curiosity.

“Well…it’s a he. He’s tall, caring, just, completely amazing…green eyes, and he loves my sisters.” Zayn admitted, before Niall’s eyebrows rose.

“You introduced him to your sisters? The guy must be special!” Niall exclaimed, and Liam looked from Niall to Zayn.

“So, who is he? When do we meet him? He sounds great for you, Z!” Liam asked eagerly, with a nodding Niall next to him.

“You err, you have met him.” Zayn started, before the two boys opposite him quickly looked at each other, as if they were having a telepathic conversation with each other as they tried to figure out who.

“Not Ed…Josh?” Liam whispered to Niall, and Niall shook his head.

“Green eyes, babe…who has green eyes…” Niall went on, and Zayn braved himself for his next sentence.

“Harry has green eyes.” Zayn tried to speak confidently, although it came out as more of a mumble. Liam and Niall looked at each other in confusion once again, before going through the names of all the Harry’s in the school, except one.

“Seriously, who is it? I honestly have no idea!” Liam exclaimed, as Niall nodded once again in agreement, before piling another hash brown into his mouth.

“It’s err…Harry Styles…the English teacher…I’m going out with our English teacher.” Zayn mumbled once again, before looking up anxiously at his best friends. Liam was looking at him in wide-eyed shock, but Niall shook his head, trying to empty his mouth, which meant Zayn had to sit and wait for a minute watching Niall messily swallow down the food in his mouth. Once Niall was done, Zayn looked towards Liam.

“I think he’s more of a spitter than a swallower, Li.” Zayn let out before he took another sip of his coffee, but the joke didn’t seem to affect Liam, he was looking at Zayn in absolute shock. That was what made Zayn so anxious about what Liam was going to say.

“Zayn, you said teacher instead of student, imagine if Zayn was dating Mr Styles!” Niall laughed, before Liam scrunched his face up a little as the imagery came into his head.

“I am dating Mr Styles. He’s my boyfriend.” Zayn said once again, before putting the coffee cup on the table and looking back at Liam and Niall. It must have finally sunk into Niall, because now his face was the mirror image of Liam’s.

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