Chapter Thirty Six

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It had been a whole week since Niall had told Zayn about Liam and Alex’s newfound friendship, and he had to admit, it hadn’t left his mind. Ever since the Irish boy had asked if Liam and Alex knew each other, Zayn had been extremely curious about whether they were or not. Niall had obviously left the matter by this time and wasn’t interested anymore, he probably just thought that they were in the same class or something, but Niall didn’t know what Alex Johnson was really like. He didn’t know how sick and twisted he was, and that’s why Zayn was worried. Liam had never liked Alex, so the fact that they had been seen hanging out was worrying Zayn. Zayn could deal with the shit that Alex put him too, but what if Alex was trying to do the same to Liam as he was doing to Zayn? Zayn shook his head, as if to tell himself it would never happen.

But, that wasn’t the only thing that hadn’t happened. Ever since that cold, cold night when Alex and his little minion had pinned Zayn against the wall and taken photos of his battered torso, Zayn hadn’t heard from him. He would have thought that he’d double the amount of Zayn’s deliveries, and expect Zayn to drop everything at any minute to come running to him, but, that wasn’t the case, and that was why Zayn was walking up Harris Street, towards Harry’s house. His sisters were with their Mother, who had made such a drastic personality improvement, that it almost gave Zayn hope. But, whenever he got his hopes up they always managed to get thrown down, especially when it came to his Mother, so he wasn’t going to hang onto those hopes for long. Maybe just enjoy the upcoming weeks before it would all go back to being normal, back to being broken. Zayn pulled his leather jacket further around him as a cold breeze rushed around his slender body, before he walked down the now familiar garden path. He walked towards Harry’s front door, and knocked on it, before stepping back and waiting for the curly haired boy to appear at the door. There was a slight scratching from behind the door and Zayn chuckled to himself as he heard Harry from the other side of the door, talking to his beloved cat, before the door opened. Zayn automatically smiled as he set eyes on Harry’s face.

“Zayn!” Harry burst out excitedly, while trying to keep Dusty in his arms, while the cat squirmed around, like a child that wanted to be put down on their feet.

“So, those Monday night Italian nights sounding too tempting…so I figured I’d surprise you?” Zayn said, with this warm feeling in his stomach. Harry’s smile never faded and he stepped to one side and let Zayn into his house. Zayn loved Harry’s house. It may have been small, but it felt one thing that he didn’t feel in his own home, homeliness, and love.

“This is the best surprise ever.” Harry let out before he blushed, and smiled in embarrassment as he closed the front door and let Dusty back onto her own feet.

“You’re blushing, Sir.” Zayn chuckled, pulling off his leather jacket and putting it onto the coat rack and following the smell of cooking.

“Shut up, you can’t call me that in my own house, that’s not fair.” Harry whined from behind him, as both boys walked into the small kitchen. Zayn smelt the air again, and looked around at Harry.

“Okay, it’s official.” He scoffed, before Harry looked at him with a confused frown.

“Huh?” Harry asked him, his eyebrows framing his puzzled green eyes beautifully.

“It’s official. You’re amazing at English, amazing at teaching, amazing at advice, amazing at working curly hair…and amazing at cooking. You make me look like a street urchin.” Zayn chuckled to himself, before turning around and looking at the saucepan of simmering bolognaise. It did smell really good, better than anything Zayn had cooked, and he had done his fair share of cooking having to raise his two sisters. Harry chuckled, slipping his hands around Zayn’s waist, before nuzzling his face into Zayn’s neck, which made Zayn’s soft skin burst out into goosebumps once again.

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