Chapter Sixteen

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* A/N; Dedicated to Gabriel for being such a constant support, thank you so much, you keep me writing this. :) Hayley xx *

“Mum…” Zayn said in surprise, as he walked down the stairs, that Friday morning. He was in his jogging bottoms and a tight, white polo shirt. Even though he had nowhere to go today, he still cared about his appearance, and had gelled up his hair, and sprayed himself with his favourite deodorant. When he had reached the bottom of the stairs, he had expected to find his sisters watching the television, or playing, before they’d start to bug him about breakfast, but instead, he found both girls sitting at the breakfast table, a plate full of scrambled eggs and toast in front of them.

“Zayn’s awake!” Safaa called happily as he stood at the doorframe. They had a kitchen/diner room, where the kitchen and dining room were combined. His Mum turned around with a warm smile. He hadn’t seen her in so long…she looked so familiar, yet so different at the same time. It wasn’t like she was his Mother stood in the kitchen, more like an Auntie that he wasn’t that close too, but had appeared randomly out of the blue.

“You look handsome today, Zayn Jawaad.” She smiled, gesturing for him to come over to her. He smiled a little at the use of his first and second name, which she always did when she was around, before walking over to her. She quickly engulfed him in a hug. He relaxed a little at her familiar smell, and gave her a comforting hug.

“Good to see you on your feet, Mum.” He smiled, as she gave him one last pat on the back and walked back over to where she was preparing his breakfast. She mumbled something as a glint of hidden sadness flashed in her eyes. He immediately took back saying anything, and went and sat at the table with his sisters.

“She’s okay now.” Waliyha mouthed over to him, and he half-heartedly smiled and nodded. How innocent the young girl was, he thought to himself, looking over at his Mum again, who was concentrating so hard on cooking, most probably deliberately looking away from his gaze. He didn’t know what was up with her, but he knew that he definitely encouraged it half the time.

“So, have you all got much homework this weekend?” She asked, her voice filling the kitchen. Safaa and Waliyha suddenly lit up the atmosphere, with them both chattering on about things they had to do, occasionally breaking out into some bickering and banter, which made Zayn chuckle to himself.

“What about you, Zayn?” His Mum asked him, placing his breakfast down on the table in front of him, her hand gently resting on the back of his neck as she looked down at him.

“Probably some art, maybe English.” Zayn shrugged, knowing fully well that he wouldn’t be able to find the time to do it. Even if he did have some spare time over the weekend to do his homework, he’d never have enough time to finish it. And plus, he was unsure that he would be able to live through the weekend. When his Dad saw him, he was dead meat.

“You work so hard, you need a break.” She told him with a small smile. He looked up at her with a small, forced smile again.

It was funny, because he had told her that about five years ago. And now, she was a depressive hypochondriac. The last thing he was ever going to do was ‘take a break’. She walked back into the kitchen, looking down at the plates that he had washed up last night with a woeful smile. He never, ever, wanted to end up like her. He’d rather end up like his twat of an English teacher, than like his Mother.

“Hey Zayn, if you aren’t busy today, we wondered if we could go to the park?” Waliyha asked with a hopeful smile. Safaa nodded excitedly, showing a large grin, with a few of her teeth missing.

“Mum could come too!” She added, which made his Mum grip onto the kitchen counter and gaze out of the kitchen window.

The last time that she had left the house, it was to go to the doctors again about three weeks ago. She didn’t leave the house, unless she talked herself into having a serious illness that she had found on the internet.

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