Chapter Fifty Seven

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A/N: What you've all been waiting for...children, avert your eyes. ;)

“You’re all mine tonight, Malik.” Harry’s voice whispered into Zayn’s ear, before the loud sounds and sights of the nightclub overcame them.

When Zayn had picked up the girls from school, Harry had texted him to come back to his for some tea with the girls, before Harry was taking him out for a birthday surprise. Zayn had done just as Harry said, in complete excitement, and brought the girls back to Harry’s where they had all sat around and opened a few more of the presents that the girls and Harry had brought him, before ordering in three huge pizzas. They had all sat around and eaten and watched a film on TV, Harry had looked at the time and started to get all frantic and jumpy.

“Zayn, hurry up eating and get ready, we need to get ready, and the babysitters will be here in fifteen minutes!” Harry had bursted out, and Zayn had looked at him with a confused frown before remembering that Harry had some sort of surprise for him, even though Zayn was comfy and didn’t feel like doing anything.

“Wait, babysitters? Who?” Zayn had asked, even though Harry had already disappeared from the room and his feet were banging up the stairs. Zayn rolled his eyes and went to steal a slice of Safaa’s pizza, before Harry bellowed at him to come upstairs and get ready, and Zayn rolled his eyes as his two sisters laughed at Harry’s antics.

“Hurry up Zayn, he’s been planning this for weeks.” Waliyha told him matter-of-factly, and Zayn chuckled before following up the stairs where Harry had gone. When he had gotten into the bedroom, he saw how Harry was now dressed in tight skinny jeans, even though they were barely just hanging around his non-existent hips. He had smart black shoes on, and was ruffling up his hair in the mirror.

“We’re going clubbing, stick on something sexy, yeah?” Harry told him with a crafty smile, and Zayn broke into a wide smile as well, even though he couldn’t take his eyes away from Harry’s torso. His abs and biceps were toned, and the small gathering of tattoos on his arms had made Zayn’s breathing hitch a little, before he kicked the door closed and raided both his and Harry’s clothes.

After a few minutes, both boys were dressed. Both boys were in black skinny jeans, and Zayn was wearing a casual white shirt that belonged to Harry and seemed to cling to his skin. He rolled up the sleeves and undid the first few buttons, before he started to work on his hair, while Harry spritzed himself with cologne. The heavenly smell hit Zayn and made his heart skip a beat, before he looked over at Harry and felt his jeans tighten. Harry now had on a loose black T-shirt, which had a low neck to show off his precious collarbones and then the sleeves rolled up, showing off those beautiful biceps.

“Fuck Harry…” Zayn mumbled, looking at his boyfriend in awe of how hot he was. Harry faced him in confusion.

“What? Too much black?” Harry spoke, before he pulled off the black T-shirt and swapped it for a white one that was practically the same, it just had a little pocket on the left side of his chest. Zayn didn’t know what was better, the black, the white, or just nothing at all.

“You’re so hot it hurts.” Zayn spoke honestly, before finally forcing his eyes away from him to spike up his hair, but he couldn’t resist going back for another look. Harry chuckled, and walked over to his boyfriend and placed a soft kiss on Zayn’s cheek, before moving his lips down and placing a long kiss on Zayn’s neck, which sent a shiver down Zayn’s spine.

“Best birthday ever.” Zayn whispered, and Harry had chuckled at his, before placing an open mouthed kiss on Zayn’s lips, which Zayn reciprocated.

After finding out that Niall and Liam were the babysitters, Zayn had wished his sisters goodnight before Harry pulled him out of the door and to the taxi waiting for them. They’d had another few long kisses in the back of the taxi, much to the annoyance of the taxi driver, before Harry had brought Zayn here, to one of the best clubs in Bradford. 

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