Chapter Fourteen

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“Someone’s got something on his mind…” Louis Tomlinson sang to Harry Styles, as he sat down at the small table in the corner of the busy pub. He placed two large beers in front of them both. Harry reached out for his beer and started to down it nervously, before plonking it back on the table. He sighed slightly, feeling a little relieved from the comfort of the alcohol. He looked directly at the glass, turning it around in his hands, knowing Louis was staring at him.

“I’m okay.” Harry replied after a silence. Louis laughed and rolled his eyes.

“You just downed half a pint, and you look extremely guilty. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I can already read you like a book.” Louis laughed, before moving his chair closer to Harry.

“C’mon, tell Uncle Louis.” Louis chuckled, looking up at Harry with those blue-grey eyes, a cheeky grin on his face. Harry ran over the whole situation with Zayn in his mind. He was so confused it was unreal. The confrontation with Zayn had so many emotions that Harry felt exhausted just thinking about it.

“There’s a lot to tell…” Harry said, finally looking down at Louis. Louis sat back in his chair, looking at Harry with a smile.

“You can either tell it to me now, when I can give you a kind of sober opinion/advice on it, or I’ll get you drunk and get it out of you that way.” Louis told him, with a smug smile. Harry chuckled a little, looking back at the glass he was gently spinning on the table. Even though the pub was full of Friday night noise, like laughing, talking, and music, it felt like it all died down as Harry spilled out his feelings to Louis.

“I shouted at someone that I think I have feelings for…but I don’t know if I have feelings for them, because they’re not the type of person that I would normally go for.” Harry explained, feeling so confused. He wondered if Louis would feel as confused as he did, as he thought of the chocolate eyed boy, who was stood in his classroom only hours before. The ruffled hair and glasses…

“Well, how’s she different then what you normally go for?” Louis asked.

“Well…she’s a he.” Harry heard himself mumble, choking a little and reaching for the glass. He put it to his lips and downed the rest of it, Louis watching him with surprised eyes.

“I can see how that would be confusing.” Louis said finally, after Harry slammed the empty glass on the table and took a long breath in and out.

“And does this guys like you?” Louis asked, and Harry shrugged, thinking about the last words from Zayn’s mouth.

“There’s…there’s something about you.” Zayn mumbled, and Harry looked at his lips as he spoke.

“You do this weird thing to me, I don’t know what it is…”

“He said, that there was something about me. That I did this…weird thing to him, and it’s the same, he makes the pit of my stomach churn like a washing machine…” Harry confessed to his new friend.

“Did you get that with Eleanor?” Harry asked, looking at Louis.

“Okay firstly, how do you know I like El? And secondly, yes, everytime I look at her I just kind of go all…washing machine-like.” Louis explained, with a laugh, and doing some weird little dance to go with it. Harry suddenly laughed.

“‘How do you know I like El?’ The cutesy nicknames, the little stares, I thought you were already together, are you not?” Harry asked with a laugh. Louis shook his head.

“We’ve been on a few dates, I don’t know if she likes me as much as I like her. She’s my best friend, I love her to pieces.” Louis chuckled, blushing slightly, a dorky smile on his face. Harry couldn’t help but chuckle.

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