Chapter Sixty Two

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Zayn Malik pushed his front key into the lock and twisted it, until his front door clicked open. The sun was shining against his back for once, and he felt a little excited to be coming home to see baby Aliyah, because he knew that it would make her happy to see him. It was just about to turn twelve, which meant Aliyah would be starting to get hungry for her dinnertime feed, hopefully his Mum would have remembered. He stepped into the door and wiped his feet on the mat a little before closing the door behind him and returning his house keys into his pocket.

The only noise in the house was the sound of him placing his bags down by the side. He looked around in confusion.

“Mum? Aliyah?” Zayn called out from downstairs, before he walked into the living room, half expecting them to be curled up on the sofa napping, but there was no trace of anyone being there. He stepped backwards and walked into the kitchen, again, so sign of any life. Had Mum gone out with Aliyah?

“Mum?” Zayn yelled again louder, before he heard the faint, quiet sound of Aliyah cry.

“Mum, where are you?” Zayn yelled, as his feet started to propel him towards the stairs. The only noise that came from the house once more was the sound of his baby sister crying over, and over. Zayn’s hands were gripping onto the stair banister in an effort to pull him up the stairs of the small house quicker.

“Aliyah! Baby girl, Zayn’s here.” Zayn called, but as he went to walk into his Mother’s room where the crib would be, the little girls cry came from the other side of the house. He turned around abruptly and followed the sound. He opened the bathroom door, the girls’ door, with no prevail until he opened his own bedroom door to see the small, crying baby bundled up in a pink blanket in the centre of his bed. The smell of dirty diapers hit him immediately, as he watched the small baby girl kick her legs and throw her arms around.

Zayn rushed over to the baby and scooped her into his arms, and he held her and rocked her for a moment, kissing her forehead. She was dirty and needed food, what the hell had his Mum been playing at?

“Shush, there’s a good girl, Zayn’s here, it’s alright.” Zayn soothed her, pulling out the pink pacifier from his school blazer pocket. He put it inside of his own mouth to clean it a little, before gently giving it to the baby, who was now whimpering and mewing in his arms. She started to suck on the pacifier, but when she found that it wasn’t a bottle and she wasn’t being fed, her eyes started to flood with tears once again. Zayn pulled her close to him and rocked her in his arms again, any song he could think of coming to his lips so that he could calm her down. He didn’t realise that he was singing a mash up of Little Mix and Chris Brown. He knew he needed to get his little sister changed before he started to feed her, and so he walked over to his Mum’s room where all of her baby stuff was kept. He had absolutely no idea what was going on, but he needed to get his sister clean and fed before anything else. That was top priority right now.

He walked over to his Mum’s room to be met with the curtains drawn across, and his Mother’s body in the bed, curled up in duvets. He rolled his eyes, his teeth grinding against each other as he held the mewing baby in his arms.

“Good fucking morning! How was your sleep?” He spoke loudly and angrily at his Mother, picking up a clean nappy and the pack of baby wipes. He also grabbed at the tub of Sudocrem and somehow managed to balance all three in his hands. When his Mother didn’t bother to even acknowledge his presence, he stormed from the room and slammed the door closed behind him. That would wake her up.

He went downstairs and into the dining room and repeated this morning’s procedures. He placed down all of the nappy changing equipment before lowering baby Aliyah onto the dining room table, she was still wrapped up in her pink blankets. He placed another kiss onto her forehead before rushing over to the bottles. He saw one readily prepared and sighed in relief before he put it into the bottle warmer.

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