Chapter Forty Three

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Harry had practically carried Zayn Malik’s fragile body back across the city and back to Harry’s small home. Zayn had been quiet the whole time, and had fallen asleep ever so quickly. His face was pale, with so much raw emotion etched into that perfect face of his. He’d had a long night, and Harry knew that he was going to be snappy and angry if he wasn’t careful around him in the next minutes or so. He figured it would be best if he said nothing about what had happened tonight, and it would be more beneficial to talk about it tomorrow, but for now, he placed Zayn gently on the sofa in the front room.

A slight whimper had left the younger boys lips as Harry had taken his body away from him after putting the boy down. Zayn looked like a small child, bundled up in his coats as he slept. Harry sighed as he looked down at the boy. In comparison to his own life, so much had happened to Zayn, and a bad feeling in the bottom of Harry’s gut was telling him that there was more than it seemed. He was about to pull a blanket over Zayn, when he realised that maybe Zayn would want to go home. Regretfully, he reached over and softly stroked the boys’ arm.

“Zayn? Hey Z, wake up for a sec, babe.” Harry spoke softly, as he watched as Zayn’s eyelids starting to twitch before the fluttered open for a second before closing.

“Yeah?” Zayn mumbled, his voice or words barely audible as his precious face was pressed against the soft cushions of Harry’s couch.

“Zayn, do you want to stay here or go home?” Harry spoke again softly, thinking about where his car keys were, when the totally unexpected answer left Zayn’s lips.

“Stay, Harry stay.” Zayn mumbled, his eyes opening once more before Zayn’s hand gently slipped into Harry’s. Harry couldn’t help but smile widely. Even in this circumstance, the thought of Zayn staying over seemed equivalent to the feeling of winning the lottery. Harry’s thumb softly grazed over Zayn’s cold skin, before he leaned down and placed a kiss on the boys’ knuckles.

“Yeah, we’ll stay here. Together.” Harry breathed with a smile, almost as if trying to convince himself that this was really happening.

Zayn’s eyes had gone back to being closed by this point, and so Harry gently got up from his kneeling position and started to take off the boys’ shoes, undoing the laces and then gliding the shoe from Zayn’s foot. Zayn seemed to barely notice, he really must have been tired. Harry left the shoes by the side of the sofa knowing that Dusty would probably find them in the morning and start to make some soft of nest out of the huge, scuffed up trainers. Harry now gently picked up the sleeping boy in the bridal position once more, and gently carried him out of the living room, and up the stairs being as gentle as he could with his angel.

Harry carried Zayn into his bedroom and rested Zayn on the messy bed. Zayn’s eyes tried to open themselves once again, and Harry couldn’t help but chuckle softly.

“Z, babe, just close your eyes, it’s only me.” Harry whispered to him, even though they were the only people in the house. A tiny mumble left Zayn’s lips, as Harry practically straddled the younger boy. Zayn didn’t kick up a fuss about this though, as the two boys’ sat in the dark, warm bedroom. There was a gap in the curtains from where Harry had looked out of them earlier, which had made the moonlight able to flood into the room and light it up.

Zayn’s skinny body leaned forward, and Zayn leaned his torso against Harry’s as Harry gently pulled off Zayn’s coats, before pulling off the dirty tank top of his. Again, Zayn had no fuss to make about this. Harry simply enjoyed the feeling of Zayn, fast asleep in his arms, their two torsos rising against each other’s as they breathed. For a moment, Harry realised that Zayn was half naked and fast asleep in his arms, and another smile spread across his face. The words of Ed Sheeran started to fall quietly from Harry’s mouth, and Harry found himself gently singing to the sleeping boy, holding onto him protectively. Zayn’s hands reacted, and rested on Harry’s hips and squeezed them gently, and Harry placed a soft kiss on Zayn’s temple as if to thank him for reacting even though he was so tired, before he slowly got up from Zayn. Zayn let out another slight whimper, and his eyelids fluttered open and Harry found himself looking into the beautiful mess that was Zayn Malik.

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