Chapter Thirty Five

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“Hey Zayn,” Niall Horan started as he sat down at the table where Zayn, Josh, Olly and Ed were all sat. It was their normal table they sat on in the cafeteria. The lunch hall was full of loud, rowdy boys, all shouting and yelling, being their loud, normal selves. But, it did smell really good in there, Niall thought to himself as he placed his tray down on the table and looked at his best friend. Zayn looked up from the cigarette that he was rolling and at Niall.

“Sup?” Zayn answered simply, but Niall was distracted by his wandering thoughts. It was such a strange feeling to look into Zayn’s eyes properly, for the first time in ages, and not feel a constant craving to touch him, or talk to him. Niall just looked at him like two best friends should, and for some reason, that made Niall feel really happy. For once, he could look at Zayn as how he had wanted to look at him, as a friend. Niall didn’t know he was smiling widely at this point, and his head suddenly made contact with Ed’s Satsuma.

“There we go.” Ed mumbled, as the four boys looked at Niall. Niall shook his head, coming out of his daydream.

“Yeah, right,” Niall started, throwing the Satsuma back over at Ed before looking at Zayn.

“Are Alex Johnson and Liam friends?” Niall asked, looking up at Zayn. Zayn quickly looked up from lining up the tobacco in the small paper.

“You what?” Zayn asked, with a dark edge in his voice. Niall looked at him innocently. Somehow that had set off some sort of spark in Zayn, but how? Alex was just a normal guy, and so was Liam. Niall wasn’t that phased, he just didn’t know that they knew each other. He also didn’t know that Liam would go running off to Alex literally seconds of admitting they loved each other. Maybe Alex had suggested Liam to tell Niall about his feelings? Who knew?

“Alex Johnson and Liam seemed quite close in the library, I was just wondering if they were friends?” Niall asked once more. Zayn was staring at him with anxious eyes, and by now, Josh and Ed were sending silent glances over to them from the other side of the table as well.

“No, why would they be friends?” Zayn snapped, his stare never leaving Niall’s face.

“I don’t know! I’m only asking, Christ…” Niall sighed, before pulling a face and looking away from Zayn. Maybe he just needed to smoke or something.

“That’s a point, Zayn told us that you and Liam were meeting up in the library, what did you get up too?” Olly asked, leaning across the table excitedly. Niall felt himself blush and roll his eyes.

“Just two friends sat in a library…” Niall shrugged, but even he couldn’t contain the wild smile that was on his lips, as he ignored his friends and looked down at his food.

“Pfft, please.” Ed laughed, before Josh kicked him under the table.

“What really went on?” Josh asked, and Niall rolled his eyes.

“That’s between me, and the lovely Liam.” Niall’s words rolled off his tongue before he smiled back down at his food again, eagerly cracking open the large packet of crisps he had brought. Josh rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, while Ed simply fed Olly a piece of Satsuma, before throwing another piece across the food hall. Zayn’s chair scuffed along the floor, and Niall suddenly felt Zayn’s body close to his.

“Ermm…Zayn?” Niall asked, looking up warily at his best friend. A week ago this would have made Niall’s ovaries explode, if he even had any.

“So, Alex and Liam seem close?” Zayn asked, and Niall suddenly laughed.

“Zayn, would you chill out? They’re probably just friends, there’s nothing to worry over.” Niall spoke up, before patting his best friend’s arm. He was about to bite a chunk of his sandwich, when he looked at Zayn once again.

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