1. As usual

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I slept late last night that made me miss the alarm set for waking up. Well, I couldn't do anything, this painter job never stops, all exhausting with low pay and negligible social importance. I knew that this forced marriage wouldn't help me out in any manner, instead increase my troubles. My husband doesn't really care if I'm even living or not, all he needed was his time table to be perfectly fine.

Leaving the omelette in the frying pan, I rushed back to the shared room to wake that sleeping monster. He was really a pain in butt, the worse when he's in deep slumber.

I entered in the room, switching on the lights and sliding the curtains aside. There, on the bed he groaned and pulled over the covers to hide his face from the bright sunlight.

"Wake up, Jungkook! It's seven-thirty, wake up or you'll be late." I shook him lightly since last time he almost yelled at me for shaking him slight hard to wake him up.

He jerks up and looked at the wall clock. I was surprised to look at his shocked expression, his jaw dropped down but soon it got replaced with immense anger.

"What the..." He cursed and uncovered himself from the covers.

He wore his slippers, taking out his attire and body towel from the closet while I looked at him in confusion.

"What's the rush? You still have an hour to get ready."

"Are you testing my patience Y/N? Because if you are then let me remind you, I can't deal with your oblivious mind." He practically yelled with his finger pointed at me.

"What have I done? You are being that crazy to shout right after waking up."

"Oh! Don't pretend victim. You knew I have an early meeting at eight but still you woke me up now. How am I supposed to get there before time?"

"No, you didn't informed me so how could you blame me? You came drunk that also after midnight. You never told me about it."

"Just forget it. I don't have time to waste on you," said Jungkook before dashing into the bathroom.

I scoffed, massaging my temples. He just blamed me of something that I never did. He was the one who enjoys office parties while I work like a maid. After coming home all that he did was dropping down on the bed, falling asleep.

Like always I was just so tired after cooking, cleaning and my preparations that I feel exhausted but he doesn't appreciate it. Even yesterday I helped him change his stinking clothes, that alcohol odour was strong though.

He thinks I am being a couch potato who doesn't want to work, using his money to enjoy like a queen. But doesn't his company pay him so that he could feed his family, nonetheless I don't live a satisfying life either. I am just tired of his taunt.

I was in my thoughts when I smelled something burning. I followed the smell leading to kitchen and guess what, the perfect yellow omelette was brown with black fumes coming out of the pan.

I ran and first turned off the stove. Carefully lifting the pan I threw the burnt product and putted the pan in the sink. The whole house was covered in smoke so I opened the windows, frequent coughs escaping my throat.

"Are you seriously dumb or you are acting to be one?" A fierce voice echoed behind my back.

I turn on my heels and found Jungkook in his suit with his briefcase.

"Hey! I didn't do it on purpose, it's just happened."

"I thought so, you could never come clean,always excuses. Great! Now I am late plus I have to go there starving." He said while making his way to the main door. I followed him since I felt bad for making him go with an empty stomach.

"Look, I am sorry. I-"

I flinched when he slammed the door closed on my face. I sigh because this ignorance was becoming more often between us. We were losing feelings, but not like we loved each other before, we were just two people who were forced into this arrange marriage since our fathers were best friends.

Now I regret to even agree for this marriage. If it weren't for his appearance and behavior when we first met then I would've already gotten myself a good boyfriend who could at least believe in me or could understand the hardship.

Someone really said the truth to not judge a book by its cover, in a similar way to not assume a person perfect just after few meetings.

I shrugged off the negativity and begin to cook myself a nice breakfast.

All done and I was about to eat when our neighbour, Mrs Han rang the doorbell. I put the chopsticks down, regretting why do I have to be at home. I swing the door open the door and in came her 5 years old son in my arms.

My eyes widens but before she let him go I tighten my arms around him, taking him in my embrace. I look at her, pleading to God that it shouldn't be what I was thinking.

"Omo! Look how sweetly he behave in your arms. My husband is at business trip and I have a meeting so would you accompany my child? You won't mind, would you?"

That's it, I began boiling from inside. Her kid was a menace to be honest, it's not like I don't like kids but she knows how he destroys the vases, furniture and curtains. At the end of the day, he leaves this house with painting on wall, feathers out of the pillow on floor and packets of chips on the dinning table. I can't scold a kid but once when I politely tried to make him acknowledge it, he started crying.

I still remember that day his mother talked back to me without hearing the reason but yet she comes to me for nursing her son.

Jungkook, on the other hand, he doesn't like kids and whenever I fail to clean the house before he comes back, he accuses me for letting the kid in. He just couldn't understand the difficulties of a housewife.

What could I even do? I can't be acting all rude and mean since we had a reputation in the apartment building and I certainly did not wanted to make a bad impression because of my silly annoyance.

I again look at her face with a poker face. She was such a clever woman that instead of requesting me she asked a straight tricky question and I had no choice but to say yes.

She jumps out excited and leans in to kiss the baby.

"Bye, baby! Eomma gonna miss you. You know how busy your mom is until then you can play with aunty, she has a lot of free time." She cooed in a childish voice and waved goodbye before disappearing.

"Free time, like what! Do she thinks I kill houseflies and mosquitos at home?!" I mumbled after she was gone.

Rolling my eyes I put the kid down and he began doing his acts. He ran to the dinning table and the first thing he did, was to finish my food.

I groaned disappointedly, watching him gulp the last section of noddles.

"Oh god! Now again I have to make breakfast.

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