7. Body swap

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I didn't had any mood to listen to her nagging so I drifted off to sleep. In my phase after closing my eyes I felt weirdly light and that's when I slept and started having a dream.

I was walking on clouds which were leading me to a giant metal gate. When I stood in front of it, it automatically opened and I walked down the path. Soon I discovered a woman who was back facing me, standing in front of a marble platform with four ancient piller, wrapped in green vines. I reached out to her but when she turned I gasped knowing it was Y/N.

We both were equally shocked, as expected we were having similar dreams or we could say we were in one dream. We looked around but no one was there until we heard few pair of shoes clicking on the surface. We looked that way and found those scammers approaching us. They stood in front of us and bowed upto ninety degree. We also did it despite our confused and frustrated guts as it was a way to reflect our manners.

"You both are quite an amazing couple. We had warn you to not sleep together yet you did," said Hoseok flashing his smile.

"Stob it, Hobi. You're making them embarrassed. But isn't that true?" Seokjin arched an eyebrow at Y/N and she was flushed with color red.

"We didn't slept together as said in porn movies but we just slept on same bed." I exclaimed.

"Exactly, you both still slept together even after we warned you so you have to face the consequences. As we said if you wanted a divorce then you had to avoid each other til tonight but still you chose to spend it together. Therefore, now you both will get intertwined." Namjoon stepped forward towards us and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly I felt dizzy and so did Y/N, a string of white light exchanging between us.

"What's happening to me?? " Y/N asked as she wriggled at her spot, unable to move.

"Nothing but a simple body snap," Namjoon smirked and stepped back to join his teammates who were giggling watching us struggle.

With each passing minute I felt nauseous, dizzy and light weighed while my body started glowing in white fumes similar to that of Y/N.

A harmless blast of light, that's what happened and we broke in pieces flying off with the blowing wind.

The alarm clock rang and I jerked up, with sharp heavy breathings. I was covered in sweat in the early morning while Y/N was supposed to be asleep beside me with her whole body covered in comforter.

Something was not right and I could feel it. I was on the other side of the bed unlike the side I laid before sleeping but I shrugged it off l, knowing maybe I was thinking too much. I pushed the comforter and wore my slippers to drag myself in the bathroom.

I was still sleepy with my eyelids closed but stumbled myself inside while grabbing my toothbrush. After applying the mint toothpaste I brushed the paste against the teeth. I turned to the mirror yawning and ruffling my hair. The hair was smooth and somewhat long but waking up early made my all sense organs numb.

I struggled to open my sleepy eyelashes but they were still heavy, wanting another hour of sleep. I took the trimmer and shaved my jaw as last night I had subtle beard. After trimming it I applied foam over my face then washed it clean. I took the towel and wiped the dripping water but when I looked into the mirror I found Y/N.

I screamed at top of lungs, losing my balance but my voice had change into high pitched as my legs felt lighter, less masculine.

When Y/N heard me screaming she ran to look out for me but when we saw each other we again screamed. A series of screams and I fainted.

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