23. Unexpected

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We were walking arm in arm through the stores of after buying certain products and baby clothes for the new born. I saw Y/N almost tearing up with the thought of our future baby in our arms was much overwhelming.

Walking around we were about to check out when my eyes landed on the lingerie shop. I turned around and dragged Y/N along with me, it would definitely be fun, I thought.

"Jungkook, where are you taking me? Let's check out already, we bought enough."

She said while I shook my head and giggled at her bewilderment. "I need to buy something." I said and continued to walk until we were standing outside the shop.

"Seriously? This place?" She asked crossing her arms across her arm while the hand bags dangled through her hands. I rubbed my nape and said,"Well, all your undergarments felt so tight and compressive that I felt as if someone had tied me up. Can't we buy some new ones? pretty please~" I pleaded her and heard her sigh.

"Whatever you want, it's your money anyway. All I could do is hold your bags."

"Or help me pick something good. You know more about these than me." I said and pulled her inside.

We started looking for more comfortable ones because it wasn't for seduction but comfort because I was about to carry a baby. We roamed around until I was standing a bit away her and selecting from the pile. I glanced at her, she was devoted and the pieces she had selected were quite amazing.

I heard giggles from the girls who were staring at her. My gaze went on them and I got reminded of how I used to get the attention very time, regardless of the place. But after having the swap I unexpectedly felt jealous. Right at this moment I was getting annoyed of them gawking her, especially checking my body out.

Therefore, I walked back to her and grabbed her wrist. She looked surprised."Hey, Jung-" I smashed my lips on her without breaking the eye contact with the girls, staring at them with fury. I made sure that they saw us as an unbreakable couple and there was no use of anyone drooling over me or her.

Y/N too gave in and kissed me back until we parted to regain the loss of oxygen. I looked back and saw no one was there, they left.

"You felt jealous, didn't you?" She grinned, exactly knowing why but still wanted to hear from me but I just walked away ignoring her. She followed me and wrapped her hand around my neck pulling me closer. I glared at her and said, " You knew they were checking you but still you decided to enjoy that?

"Come on, princess JK! I just wanted to see your reaction and technically, I was a girl and am married to you, so definitely I won't hit back on them... unlike you." I mumbled the last words with a pout while we were going to pay for the things.

After coming home I immediately ran into the bedroom and closed the door behind. Y/N was suspicious of my actions but I didn't bothered. I continued to tear the brown wrap with anticipation. Soon a white cover was peeking, it was a book about pregnancy. I did had a lot of books like mechanics, law, human anatomy and so many random books about defense but who thought one day I would be adding a parental one too.

Chuckling I sat on the bed with the book in my hands. I was amazed to see so many facts and symptoms about being pregnant. It also stated what should a women be doing and eating to have a healthy baby. It got my interest and involuntarily I swiped my hands over my stomach with a smile.

"Someone is being sentimental."

Immediately I closed the books and hid it behind my back. I looked straight and found Y/N leaned against the door with a grin. She was coming closer and I gulped when she snatched the book away from behind my back. " When did you bought it?" She asked while going through the pages.

"When you went to buy us burgers I was bored, hence, I roamed until I saw this on the display and decided to buy it. I cannot always depend on you to know if the changes I'll be having would be normal or not." I shrugged and looked away while she sat beside me and placed her palm over my belly. She looked there and said,"I am so proud of your dad, baby. His is gonna be a great appa for sure."

"That I would." I stood up along with her and went downstairs to assist her in cooking dinner, even when she warned me not to.

After eating I changed into night dress and ducked inside the duvet to warm myself. I was at the verge of sleeping, at a point where I felt lightheaded, somewhere between illusion and reality when I felt a cold hand wrapping around the waist. I wiggled but it only tightened its grip around me. I turned my back against that person, who I realised was none other than Y/N.

"What are you doing?" I asked in sleepy voice since I was slightly annoyed by the fact that she disturbed my slumber but at the same time I was concerned for her, her hands were cold from cleaning the cutlery.

She pulled me closer and snuggled her head in the crock of my neck and whispered," I was feeling cold but when I am here with you both, I just feel warm and loved." She left few pecks on my shoulder and I melted in that feathery touch. She knew what to do to make me feel butterflies.

I smiled again, understanding how badly she would've wanted to be close to us. Autumn almost ended with the beginning of colder winds that made us find the physical warmth from each other too. And with that we drifted off to slumber.

Next morning I woke up from the rattling sound of belt. I opened my eyes and saw her almost dressed into office suit. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "Where are you going?"

She looked at me surprised and came closet to place a peck on my cheeks before she tried to make a knot with the tie. "I got notified that today Mr. Min wants to make that important deal with the company so I had to go and sign off the papers."

"You mean the deal I was looking at few days back?" I stood up grabbing her tie and started making it. She looked at me and said, "Yes, that one. I'm sorry I had to leave you here but I promise to make it soon."

I shook my head and backed off after making her tie. "No, I'm sorry I didn't made something for you to eat."

"It's not your job and I am definitely fine with it. I could eat in afternoon."

"Who are you kidding, Mrs. Jeon? I know you won't get a chance to get away from the dealing process."

"You caught me, babe. Till then see you soon." She kissed my forehead and in a flash went out of the apartment after wearing her shoes.

I sighed and felt a bit guilty to make her work on an empty stomach. Now, I realised why she used to panic when I missed the meals.

I got freshed up and went downstairs as a decided to surprise her with my very own lunch box. I ate a bowl of cereals then started making it for him.

With few hours of hard work it ready and I too much excited to bring that to her. I changed the clothes and taking the cab I went to the company before the break.

As I walked in the employees bowed at me and I felt weird because it had been a long since I saw them but curious too since I was witnessing how they treated Y/N on my behalf. It was great watching them showing respect to me, looks like she was dear to them. Taking the elevator I went up and was just a turn away from the CEO cabin when I bumped into her.

I stumbled back and felt guilty because I spiled the coffee she was holding on her dress shirt.


I was surprised of her language. Was she always that rude? She looked up with her frowned eyebrows then a disgusted look appeared on her face when she rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Well well well, Look who we got here, Mrs. Jeon. What could have I expected from you? You are a true stupid from whom I could expect nothing but stupidity."

"Mind your language, Ms. Yuna!" I exclaimed but she bitterly chuckled and said, "Since when you started calling me, Ms. Yuna, bitch? Did you forgot how once I warned you, and when you denied I banged your head against the wall?"

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