26. Bring your body back

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I sat up and then felt a heavy load attached to my belly, no way I got fat and that's when I realised it was the womb in which our baby was breathing. Groaning my eyes widened looking around to check the situation. Jungkook in his own muscular body was standing across the room with the same expressionless face as me.

"What happened?" I stood up while holding the edge of bed and walked towards him. He came near me and held me. "No idea."

We were driving back home although the series of phone calls that we were doing to the cupid corporation was going in vain. Jungkook slammed his palms on steering wheel when the call again got declined. "What they think they are!"

"Cupids, I guess?" I gave him a dumb answer which would have triggered him in normal times but it only helped him to calm down.

He took a deep breath to relax himself but I didn't understood why he was angry? He should've been grateful that everything came back to normal but here, he was throwing tantrums.

Pulling over the car in the parking lot he helped me come out but I could feel his mind was somewhere else. Mood swings.

We entered our home and sat on the couch. He sighed and rans his fingers through his raven locks.

"They are again ignoring us. I swear, I would kill them regardless of them being cupids. How could they do this to us?" He finally let out his all frustration. I knew he was stressing out so I stood up and patted his shoulders.

I said," It's okay. Not like we switched our souls to some stranger, we are still us." I went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. He said," But I miss that feeling. I miss feeling baby's kicks."

Rolling my eyes I said, " You could still do that, just like any other father without a body swap." Coming closer to him I passed him the glass and he drank it to drench his thrist.

Placing the glass on the table he looked at me and asked," How?"

"Don't act like an idiot." I took his hand and wiped my bump." Use your hand, Mr. Confused. Use your skin to feel it." Baby again kicked and he felt it. I did it too and looked at Jungkook with an amused smile.

After few minutes I was tired from standing so I stepped backwards and sat on another couch away from him. I read a magazine while I could feel the silent stares of Jungkook intensifying over me.

At a point he was biting his lips, controlling himself from saying something but it felt so awkward that I wanted to back away from there, either way my body was exhausted too.

I stood up ignoring the so called husband and walked towards the stairs but came to hault when I heard him.

"Bring your body back to me. Come here, sit on my lap."

I rolled my eyes and said,"Stop being dramatic. My weight would break your leg. "

"I'm not being dramatic. I just miss the feeling of caressing our baby. I wanna feel him, his kicks. I love him "

My heart melted after hearing his sincere words, he was genuinely smiling looking at me then glancing at the baby bump.

I got reminded of when doctor disclosed the gender of the foetus. Jungkook was beyond happy. Although he wanted a girl but that mere thought didn't pushed his love away for his son.

I moved closer towards him with profound security that the person I had chosen for the rest of my life was right in my sight, sitting there, piercing through my soul through his affectionate stare.

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