11 | Plea

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"I can't do that." You replied with a cold voice.

Draco blinked, surprised to hear you deny. "I need you please!" His voice hiccuped, giving up on him. "I don't want father to hurt me." He stood up walking towards you. His face showing evident pain.

"Why are you doing this? It's such a lame way to plummet me, you know." You shifted your weight between your feet, growing anxious by the second.

Does he really think making me his fake girlfriend would help his father to forgive him?? What a dirtbag. Using me.

"I know I haven't been the nicest to you Y/N, but you can trust me on this." His breathing became shallow.

"I agree, you haven't been the nicest but forget this fake girlfriend thing and help Pansy get to the infirmary first." You said, turning your back to him. "Then we'll discuss this later."

You began walking away but Draco caught up. "Fine." He muttered. Your eyes flickered to his once more, you could have swore you had seen a smile.


"Pansy." You whispered. She had fallen asleep again, sprawled out on the bed like usual. "Please wake up." You gently shook her, but that didn't stop her from drooling all over her blanket. You squinted your eyes with displeasure. You remembered Marissa always tackling you awake each time you had overslept, now you wished her presence was here.

"Pansy!" You whispered-shouted. She snored and turned around. Her face shoved onto the pillow.

Why does my life have to be so difficult?

Suddenly, the dormitory door had opened, revealing the electric blue hair girl. Your eyes glistened as you took in her sight. "Marissa! You're back." You got up to hug her, she embraced back. "Wait-how'd you manage to get in?"

"I just did! Sorry I've been catching up with my studies —" she caught sight of Pansy's sleeping form. "Uhh what's going on here Y/N?" She giggled, pointing at Pansy.

You sighed. "I have a lot to tell you. For now, please, help me wake her up."

Marissa tried tackling her but it didn't work, so you had one suggestion in mind. The most simple one. You cringed at yourself because you hadn't thought of it earlier.

"Draco is here." You whispered. To which Marissa eyed you with a curious look.

I should have known.

Pansy got up with a spring. "WHERE?!" Her eyes resembled of those who were obsessive lovers. Heart eyed, and pure pink. You folded your arms, watching Pansy throw her blankets onto the ground, creating a mess you knew you would have to clean up later.

"Wait I kind of like this Pansy!" Marissa chuckled, rushing to grab a hold of her arm before she could proceed any further. You rushed to her aid and held Pansy's other arm. "ARGHH LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEE MY DRACO!" Her voice became louder and her fists began drumming your arm.

"Well I don't like this Pansy one bit." You hissed. "Marissa, knock her out."

"On it." She smiled.



"Oh Merlin...oh Merlin! I cannot believe my eyes." Madam Pomfrey had given one look at Pansy's form, not having to diagnose her as she knew why those eyes were attached to the blondes. The love potion was so obvious, it was almost ridiculous.

Draco had carried Pansy bridal styled all the way, other students had thought they were finally getting along — or much more couple like than before. You wouldn't disagree if you hadn't known the truth.

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