26 | Softness in your dark undertone

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"You've been smiling more than usual, L/N." Severus said out of the blue as you step inside the dungeons for detention.

You had just came inside after talking to Draco at the Great Hall.

You scoff. "What about it?" Feeling a tinge bit of hurt as he had refused to acknowledge your presence out in public.

He gave you a sneer. "It's hideous to look at. You aren't taking this prophecy seriously enough." He began mixing a few unknown potions in a vile.

You wondered why he would make different types of potions during your time with him in detention. Then again, he would probably test it out on you.

You bit back the urge to shout at him again, he would always start a conversation by bickering on your end and you figured he was amused by it.

"I'm trying to be the optimist here. You just want to ruin everybody's day per usual." You groan, leaning on your elbow on the desk as you watch him experiment with new potions.

He looked up at you and then back on the potions. "It's causing you to be selfless." He placed his wand down, using his index finger to no verbally enchant the concoction. "Being selfless can become your weakness in battle."

You sigh in frustration. "You want me to be selfish like you? I don't think so." You close your potions book. "Why are you putting so much pressure on me?"

"Because I have faith in you." He murmurs.

You blink, unsure of what to say. "Whatever you say." You pause and look at him. "I was smiling because I'm meeting Draco's parents tomorrow evening."

Severus stops brewing. His eyes hold yours in a much more serious look. "May I ask, why?"

You become flustered. "Because I...we are dating and it's best we get to know each other more. Plus, I can find out more information about the Malfoys!" You add in, hoping that it would ease his tension.

He clicked his tongue. "I refuse to let you go."

Since when did the hostile Potion's Master express his worries for any of his students?

"You can refuse all you want but I'm still going. The Malfoys are already aware and have prepared a feast."

His eyes held in a dark storm and smoky clouds, you could feel the sadness that crept up as his gaze was locked upon yours.

"You do not know of their cruel nature. Perhaps I should give you a warning."

You scoff lightly. "That'll only scare me. Look, I can handle myself." You stand up and approach him. "You do trust me, right?"

He raises an eyebrow. "It's not the matter of trust, rather your ability to perform the most advanced spells, enough to harm someone." He stands up. His height towering over yours.

"This scar." His warm hand suddenly presses against your cold face, rubbing your cheek. Your eyes widen by his soft hands and closeness. "Who did this to you?"

Your heart could beat out from your rib cage.

You gulp as he continues to rub it, as if soothing you

"D-Draco has been teaching me a few advanced spells and I was practicing with him." You say. Severus shot you a dark look.

"He didn't do it intentionally. We always have a practice duel. This time, I accidentally slipped and he cut right through...I didn't bleed much thanks to the healing potion you had gave me."

Severus had a contemplative expression. His hand drops and you wish he had touched your skin a bit more.

"Why did you let him teach you? Is he your professor?" His voice was low.

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