Psychotic Fucking Family

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I swear to fucking god I am going to beat someone. This family is so fucking mental idk what the hell to do. My brother just threw a little baby bitch fit, screaming at me, calling me a bitch, throwing shit, all bcuz I wouldnt open my door so he could give me a damn sock. Yet I'm in here folding his fucking clothes bcuz hes too fucking lazy to do it.

Same with my mom. She just yelled tht I don't do shit, babying my brother. So when I yelled "If I don't do anything then come get ur clothes" she came in here n threw her clothes all over my fucking room and told me to pick it up. Like wtf?? I threw them on her head, then she started knocking my CDs on my floor one by one. The she threw my door open n told me not to close it? Like wat the hell?? Its shut and locked, but my God my family needs a mental institution. I got so dizzy after she left it worried me

Now she's just like "I don't think you could see Cody anymore until you're 18". Like wtf?? I wonder if I could get her committed. This is the most mental I have ever seen her.

Now they're out there talking shit about me?? Like really?? I can't wait til I leave. I do so much around here for them. Just horrible cuz they're going to put it all on nanny after I leave

My brother "Show some respect". Like seriously?? U don't respect anyone and you just fought me over a God damn sock. Get the hell over yourself

Fucking people. I swear

Update: Even more shit happened. Like my brother throwing my boots at me and breaking my fucking door. And mom screaming at me that I'm just being rude and bitchy to my brother and that I'm just horrible and am all the problems that goes on in this house.  But what the fuck ever. If I'm lucky I'm moving out of this house. Soon

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