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   Have you ever lost a friend?? Not just a friend. A best friend. One that always said they’d always be here for you?? Even one that never said it, but you just thought so?? Well yeah. All of them besides two walked out on me. I don’t even talk to those two that much though. Especially one. You have no idea how worthless, hopeless, pathetic I feel. I don’t even know what to write down. I guess I’ll just go. Bury myself into my homework like I always used to do. I have nothing better to do anyways. Well. I need to write. But if my mom see’s I’m not doing my homework, then I’m in trouble. Let’s just hope I don’t tell anyone off again. Yesterday, I think I had a meltdown. I actually threw my blanket over my head, and was yelling “Get out” at my mom. Then I hear about what happened to my best friend, that caused me yelling and everything else. Then I yelled at a friend of mine for making a stupid little comment. I’m sure if I was in therapy, they’d have me on depression pills by now. I’m slowly giving up on everything. Only thing keeping me here, are my nephews. I have big things to accomplish. Whether I have people by my side or not, I’ll get it done. I’m done here..


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