Completely done. Fuck guys

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   So I feel so fuckin’ terrible. I feel worse than that guy who used me for a dare. The guy I was stressing over… It’s finally over. He decided to cheat, and dirty talk, and get pictures of half-naked girls. But I kind of feel like a hoe. Such a whore… He’s a manwhore and I… I don’t know. I’m tired of feeling bad. Feeling worthless. I just hope I never talk to him again. I will not talk to him or his drama anymore. It’s terrible how he knows how much drama I’ve been through especially this much. How much pain I’ve gone through. But yet he still chose to hurt me. And he will never change. He’s going to turn right into his parents. And I will be happy soon. I’m already starting. But I’m keeping my distance anymore. I’m not getting into anything serious either. I’m done with everything about him. Not even gonna talk to him.

 If your reading this I hate you. And don’t even try to talk to me. You never loved me and never will. I hope you’re happy. I will never think the same of you ever again.

   Goodbye, people</3

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