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   Has anybody ever thought about running away or suicide?? *Raises hand*. Has anybody ever thought about it lately?? *Raises hand*. Yes, I have thought about it. And yes, I have attempted the runaway part.  But I know I can't. The reason? For as many reasons as I have TO do it, I have a few important reasons NOT to do it. For one: My nephews and my Nanny (Grandmother). They can't lose someone who is on their side, and not crazy. Plus, they don't deserve to lose somebody, especially somebody close to them. I love them and I know they love me. Secondly, I have an amazing boyfriend who's always there for me and cares for me and who is just plainly perfect for me. He doesn't scream at me, he never raises his hand at me, he's never done me wrong. He wants to be my world, and I want to be his. And thirdly, my friends. They need someone there for them. It's hard to come across good friends, and I have to say, I have some pretty good ones. Friends willing to do anything for me. So much as helping me and offering me to live with them and pick me up and bring me food because I haven't eaten, to pulling me in a headlock so I don't jump out of a moving car on the highway. I am grateful for my blessings, And I thank God for all of them. So yes, things hurt, really bad, and I know I'm going to be suffering for two more months til I'm 18, but then life for me will be a lot better and I'll be happy. Anyone who reads this and has thought about suicide or running away, or even both, keep in mind, no matter how cliché this phrase is, things will get better. It may be tomorrow, it may be a week, or it may even be four years. Just keep fighting, like I have. Time passes. And if anything's too bad, like abuse, or anything. Talk to someone. They will fix it.

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