Let's just pull my fucking hair out

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   I just want to pull my fuckin’ hair out. Nothing was easy today. I think I’m just a…… I forgot what that sentence was. Oh. I think it was about to me, “I think I’m just a piece of shit when it comes to guys.” I don’t know. He says things. But does he really mean it?? I understand I think way too much. But really?? Words are just words anymore. Anybody could believe words. That’s why so many people end up hurt. That’s what I’m going to stop. I have always believed guys, never let them prove anything to me. That’s stopping right here. Oh God I must look, and seem like shit. I feel like it… More than emotional too. I mean my friends have been making me smile and laugh. Just think if I didn’t have them, or living with my family, I’d probably be crying every night non-stop. Still doesn’t feel like I’m the only girl he thinks about, only girl he actually wants. It’s just…. Every fucking thing hurts…

   That’s it for now. Bye…

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