Someone from a long time ago...

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   I looked over at our conversations last night. It was the first night I was actually able read back so far. I remember how happy I was to hear from you every day. How lonely I got when we weren’t talking. I remember how it killed me when “you” got a “girlfriend.”  I do wish things would’ve worked out differently. All that pain you put me through, honestly some is still here. I felt worse than Bella from Twilight after Edward left. Ha. Now I wanna go watch that Twilight. I remember lying on my bed at night, Crying endlessly every night, Hurting myself, Practically screaming. I was a mess. A big mess. I know you’re not reading this. I doubt you even care or cared. You pulled off a great show, if it helps. I doubt you even have a Wattpad anymore. I just wonder if u still think about me, or any of that. I think I’m writing you an email to the fake one you gave me. I doubt you’ll check it though. Maybe after years you will remember you have it, then look at it. Maybe you just forgot all about it. Maybe I should send it to all the fake ones you gave me. I don’t know. Maybe you won’t even read it if you see it. I wonder what goes through your mind. I already had my mind set to you not caring. That you never cared and you’re just some hopeless asshole that never cared about any of us. That thought helped me get through a lot. I don’t know. Now I don’t even know if I am going to write to you. I guess I’ll just see what happens.

   Fuckin’ period hormone shit -.-

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