Break up part 2

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   So. After all that shit… I feel better. I talked to someone and I feel a lot better. Some of you are probably thinking, ‘Yeah. She’s so bullshitting. She’s not over this. She’s either trying to make herself feel better or make him think he doesn’t matter as much as he does’. I’m not saying he doesn’t matter. I still really care for him. But that’s not gonna take over. He made me happy when he was nice. There’s a lot I could get out right now. But I’m feeling happier. So I don’t wanna ruin my mood. I don’t know what else to say other than I’m tired as hell. I think it’s cute how all our problems came from him, yet he broke up with me over missing him. That’s really all it was. But like I said, I really am happier. So I’m gonna write this guy back, then go to bed. Goodnight people=) <3

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