Weekend of just thinking

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   Great. Just great. I don’t know what to say about anything. All I know is I keep getting hurt, and that’s stopping right here. At this point I’m gonna just try to stop feeling so much and just go back to how I use to be. He tells me something but I don’t know. Everyone says different. My leg. I just ended up tearing some skin off. This is not like me. Yeah, I usually get hurt by guys, and it has ALWAYS been a pain in my ass. But why?? I mean no person is worth making me go through everything I do. I been feeling insecure and worried, clingy, and just all around one of those bitchy bottle blonde, big chested girls that clings to their guys arm and gets in his sight when he looks at other girls. I shouldn’t have to feel like this. I should feel like I usually do, only instead that there’s someone there to love onto me. He’s not even in my state. Maybe I should just go back to waiting until he comes to my state. I hate how my life isn’t a book. Then I would know exactly what to do, who is a friend and who isn’t, who and what to believe. I don’t know. But time isn’t promised. And why complicate life?? I’m going to start living for me. Love isn’t having to go through this. It’s about two people who care for each other, having their own personal life’s, own personal things they go through, but wanting each other in it. So they mend together.

 I need to start following my own advice. I don’t know how that’s gonna work out, but I could see where things lead, and just listen to mi heart, AND head. Like a smart women. I’m going to take a nap. At 3:35PM…. Yep. That’s me. Nighty nap, people<3

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