Mom -.-

18 0 1

   I think I just came to the realization that my mom doesn’t care about my happiness. Yeah, I have some shinny toys, but she just wants to keep me in this house and close to her. I know I’m behind a little in homework, but she doesn’t have to punish me this bad. I’m trying and I’m catching up. She shut my cell phone off (Luckily I’m not too dumb, so I could do a couple tricks. And if you want to know what, then just message me), she won’t let me go to my Jiu-Jitsu classes, and I can’t get my license. I barely have my computer, WHICH she took that from me at first too. Had to be a little sneaky to get it back. I can’t go out of the house unless they’re all going somewhere. Last time I was out, my dad was in and we went to one of the only restaurants in town. I can’t even kiss my boyfriend’s more than a second, or more than twice otherwise I’m going to get pregnant. A few tears left my eyes after fighting a little bit, but I didn’t have a breakdown. And I’m proud of myself for that. Especially because I been wanting to cry for a couple days now. But I’m on my period right now, so yeah. Why can’t she just let me go to tomorrow night?? I’m not asking for my phone, I’m not asking for my license, I’m not asking for anything but this. And I don’t even do homework that late anyways. She’s being ridiculous. But she could get away with it. Sadly, I can’t do anything about anything. It’s why I was thinking about running away. I’m tired of her controlling me all the damn time. I can’t make any decisions on my own. Ha. I can’t even by a top I want if she doesn’t like it. She still baby’s my brother, and he’s 24. She yells at me all the time for never coming out and hanging out with her or the family. If she saw everyone and everything in my eyes, she wouldn’t want to either. Maybe I’ll scare her. I don’t know. This is getting long. So I guess I’ll just go now…


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