Last night...

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   Ok. Last night was just fuckin’ amazing! What “normal” person gets to do this type of crap?! So the day started out fine, putting flyers up and stuffs. Then we went over about 3 hours away for this Night of Frights thing. Which is we’re showing Nightmare on Elm Street four. Because my mom is psychic she’s in this team with these Halloween, scary every night people and I LOVE IT!! But anyways… Yesterday after we got there, I got dressed up as Freddy Krueger and jumped at cars (One actually stopped so I could take a picture with this little boy. Omg he was so cute. He asked me, “Are you fake?” It was so cute. I laughed and told him yes), then I yelled at the guy who was supposed to be dressed as Krueger (He’s only 19) and threw the mask at him (So yep. People saw Krueger as a chick). Then after a little bit, we were both dressed up (I was dressed as a victim), we ran through the audience (Me screaming of course), him chasing me. Then after a little while of us talking, people started going on a ghost investigation and we followed. But then our talking kind of got in the way, so we went upstairs while everyone was downstairs. We got on the couch and talked. But then we got into this whole thing about him being comfy, so I laid down next to him and we cuddled for a while. I laid there listening to his heart. How it was fast at first, but I laid back down with him a minute later and it was so calm and relaxed. Then after a couple minutes, I almost fell asleep, I looked up at him and turned his head, then we started kissing. We kind of had to dodge a few people when they would come up stairs so (That’s why I got up a few times from cuddling with him). And the second time we kissed, we kind of just went into a make-out. It was really nice and cute, and I cannot wait to cuddle and kiss him some more. Well. I gotta get up early tomorrow for another busy day. God these people have us running. Goodnight=)

      Didn’t think this was all gonna be sad and teary, did ya??=D <3

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