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   Things keep running through my head. It’s getting so much harder to be alone anymore. Every time I’m not on the phone with him, or being distracted by something or someone, everything just comes to me, and it hurts. He might move in with her… I can’t stop it. I can’t ruin things, or make them harder for him. And he wants to go into the military. I hate that. But I don’t want to stop it for him because I know that he wants it so much. I can’t be selfish. I have never been a selfish person. Maybe I should just stop talking to him… But I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I want to. He. It. I don’t know. I just wish I knew what to do. What will happen. That way I know what I could get my hopes up for or not. Things are just so complicated. He’s starting to talk to me now. I’ll write more later…

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