Eh. Lets forget about yesterday and focus on tomorrow<3

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   So, today. Oh God today. I woke up with the feeling of last night. Only not so hurt. Just in a sad mood. Well I talked to him and a friend today. And I don’t mean a friend as in someone I know and talk to all the time. No. I mean someone who was willing to be a friend to me. Well I’m better now. I’m going to keep getting better. Me having breakdowns is not going to be a daily or even weekly occurrence anymore. He used to make me happy all the time to where I didn’t have any breakdowns. He was there when I really needed the smiles most. So I’m making sure to get back to that. I over stressed. But I’m a GIRL! What do you expect?? Girls will remember even the littlest of sweet things you do for them. But they will also always remember the littlest of mean or betrayal you do. But life goes on. That was all in the past, and as of right now I’m looking onto the future and want to keep it that way. I would love to say that I’m never going to breakdown or write about it anymore, but life isn’t a fairytale like that. I might be right back here writing about it sometime later. I hope that I don’t write about this anymore. But I can’t promise that I won’t have another breakdown. But at least I know I have people there for me when I do. And that I have the best damn boyfriend a girl could ask for. Even if he gets in trouble sometimes.

   Hey boo, True Love is playing<3

          Bye, guys=)

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