What Do I say?

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   What do I say when I feel really confused, beyond confusion? What do I say when I'm super upset from how everything is? What do I say when I'm worried I'll hurt someone? I'm confused, Sad, even a little mad. So what do I say? I feel like crying. But the one who could fix it, doesn't want to hear it. What do I say when I feel like I can't say anything? When I feel stuck? Do I just keep everything to myself? Or do I speak out, even if it might annoy them? If they really cared, shouldn't I just be able to talk to them? What do I say when I don't even know if I want to say anything? Life is hard, confusing, upsetting sometimes. But what do I say when I feel like I shouldn't say anything? What do I say when I feel alone? What do I say to get to feel like I've felt before? Sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut, but is it if it's eating you up inside?

             I just hope I find the words soon.....

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