Chapter 27, Part 2: Even A Broken Clock

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Wyatt felt the wind at his back quiet as he stepped into the garage. He could feel his cheeks warm as the frigid air of the outside was replaced by the musty air of the building. For a moment, the storm seemed almost a distant memory to Wyatt. Then again, Wyatt's mind was less on the weather and more on the large fortune in drugs laid out before him. 

In front of him, the old garage was filled almost to bursting with rows and rows of pallets stacked high with bags full of a white powder. It was hard to say how much; there were no lights inside the building. The only illumination was the light streaming through the door behind him. He could see only about thirty feet ahead of him, but it appeared that the room was  Though the outside of the building had indicated that this had been a garage, there were few signs of that past remaining inside. Wyatt could just make a few tires stacked up by the wall and what might have been an old upright toolbox. Apparently whoever owned the place had decided that they didn't need a space to work on cars, assuming that had even happened in that last decade, and decided to get into the mysterious white powder business. 

But what exactly was the white powder? Wyatt pushed his finger into a nearby bag. 

Was it cocaine? PCP? It certainly looked like some kind of drug. Wyatt wasn't an expert, but it didn't look exactly innocent. Unless the store was holding an aggressively large shipment of laundry powder, a product that Wyatt conspicuously did not remember seeing being sold in the store, it didn't look good for the shop owner. Wyatt'd have to get the police station to confirm it but if they were able to confirm it was a drug of some kind, this was definitely going to be in the local newspaper tomorrow. Maybe even some of the big papers in Denver. It wasn't every day that a haul like this was discovered.

Wyatt couldn't tell how long they'd been there. They looked free of the thick layer of dust that seemed to coat everything else in the building. Had they come in with the trucks? It would certainly explain why the mysterious trucks that had come all the over here but hadn't filled up their gas tanks. It would be because they hadn't come here to get anything. They'd come to drop stuff off. It would also explain why the guy at the register had been acting so nervous. From his perspective, it was probably the fewer people asking questions, the better. Wyatt couldn't blame him. If he knew that he had a fortune in drugs in the garage, he certainly wouldn't have wanted to talk to anyone either.

Content with his search, Wyatt reached in his hand into his pocket for his phone. He had to tell Lt. Davis about this. This is exactly the sort of thing that could blow open the investigation into Palmer Valdez. They had all the evidence that they needed to arrest at this point. The FBI couldn't drag its feet anymore when they saw this. A huge drug shipment at a business with ties to Palmer? They'd have to let the police move in.

Wyat hesitated for a second, his hand still halfway to his pocket. Was he sure about this? Maybe it was all actually completely innocent. He could just be assuming that this was something illegal. Maybe it was just a shipment of laundry detergent powder. Maybe the store owners realized they made more reselling laundry detergent than they did running an out of the way gas station. It would be kind of weird for sure, but not impossible. 

And if he called out the police all the way out here for nothing, it wouldn't endear him or the case to the department. It certainly wouldn't look good to Lt. Davis if the kid he was trusting to bring down Palmer Valdez couldn't be trusted to know the difference between angel dust and Tide. He had to make sure that his suspicions were correct before he told anyone about this.

He glanced out the door towards the main business building, but he didn't see anyone coming. Good, the last thing he needed was having to deal with angry shopkeepers on top of everything else right now.

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