Ch. 33 Perception is Reality

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"Y'know, you don't have to come with me, Ryan," Todd said. 

Even though it was already well into lunchtime, he was still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. All of these early meetings were starting to get to him.

"Have to?" Ryan replied," More like I get to, my man. Two of the musketeers, braving the lonesome night. Besides, Gary had, like, three helpings of chili at dinner. Sitting in our dorm room right now would be like hotboxing a sewer line. Given that choice, joining my bud as he does his captainly duties sounds like a much better option. Like, I never get to see any of this stuff you do as a squad captain. It's kind of like I'm getting look behind the scenes."

"I guess so," Todd said. "There isn't much to see."

The faculty office side of the building had long ago lost any mystery to Todd. He was down here for meetings almost every day. The morning tended to start early and the days ended late. He had quickly discovered that everything that people considered an exciting responsibility was just one more thing to do. When Mr. Buckingham had first asked him to be the head captain, Todd had wondered if he was good enough. Now he realized that all being in charge seemed to mean was longer days, doing tasks that almost anyone could have done themselves. But because Todd was 'in charge', people wanted Todd to do them. It was more like doing a group project with everyone in the school at the same time.

"Mr. Anderson," Miz Krebbs said as Todd and Ryan approached her desk.
"Back for more punishment, I see. What can I do for you, boys?"

Todd hadn't even seen her look up from her computer. Her eyes were riveted to the screen of her desktop computer. Todd was surprised that she had seen them. Then again, they hadn't exactly been quiet on the way down. The only sound in the hallway now was the faint buzz of the fluorescent lights and the furious rat-a-tat of Miz Krebbs's fingers flew across the keyboard keys. It probably wasn't hard to hear them.

"Sorry, we can come back later," Todd said. "I didn't realize you'd be busy. We'll-"

"Hold on," she said. Her eyes had still never left the computer screen. "I didn't tell you should leave. I'm just entering a spreadsheet that I just received from a teacher, but I can multitask. What can I do for you?"

Todd was about to motion Ryan for them to leave but when he looked over his shoulder to where Ryan had been, he saw that Ryan had already walked up to the high desktop. He was leaning over it, flashing his trademark smile at the woman. the one that Todd had seen make several girls swoon. Actually swoon. 

Luckily, Todd figured that Miz Krebs would be immune to his charisma. He was more worried about the often blunt woman getting annoyed by him. Todd liked Ryan but he wasn't always the best at noticing how other people were affected by him.

"Did we receive any packages today, Mrs... ?" Ryan asked.

"It's Miz," Todd answered for her. "Miz Krebbs."

He watched her face, watching her face for any signs of frustration

"What is Miz?" Ryan asked. "Is that like halfway between Miss and Missus?"

"It means," the woman behind the desk said," that I don't like to be defined as a person solely by my relationship with a man. I am who am, whether or not I am married. Hence, Miz."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Ryan replied. "I didn't mean to make you mad."

"I'm not angry," she said casually. "You asked, so I'm explaining. And, in answer to your other question, I am Director Buckingham's personal secretary. Mail and packages for students go through the main office. You'll want to ask there."

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