Cast of Characters

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Wyatt Hatch (Flyerman)

Senior in High School

Found a magic sword when he was 13

Sword makes him stronger and lets him manifest huge wings on his back. Must within a certain distance of the sword for the powers to work.

Mother died about a year ago.

Doesn't talk with Dad much.

Best friends with Todd

Very lazy student.

Todd Anderson (Diverman)

Senior in High School

At the same time as Wyatt got the Flyersword (they were very young when they named them), Todd found a ring that let's him breathe underwater. Also makes his body denser. Shoots jets of water out of it. 

Promptly named it 'the diver ring.' Maybe regrets it at this point.

Has two younger brothers.

Squad 1 

Ryan (SuperRyan) 


Super strong, Flight

Played football at his high school before entering the program

Plays guitar

Has a man-bun

Gary Reynolds(Gary Ghoul) 

Sophomore (Grade 10)

Sidekick to the Grey Ghoul

Being a sidekick to one of the Fighting Force has risen him to minor celebrity status.

Able to create darkness around him.

Secretly has a symbiotic relationship with an otherworldly spirit, which he calls Harvey.

Cassie Lawton (Doc Celsius) 

Sophomore (Grade 10)

Earned her doctorate at 14. Rounds it out with a few other degrees.

Made her own jetpack.

Daughter of Prof. Lawton genius chemist who served as a contact of Flyerman's.

Her father was rendered incapacitated in a lab accident. Still alive, but left with severe cognitive functionality. What was he working on...?

Used to idolized Flyerman, but less than impressed now.

Squad 12

Michael Williams (Planetarium)

Sophomore (Grade 10)

African American.

Lives with his mother (a professor at UC Davis). Never knew his father.

Very involved in clubs in high school. President of a few. Track team.

Maria Fontaine (the Ghost)


Fights crime at night as the Ghost: sniper rifle with rubber bullets at secret mob meetings.

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