Chapter 10: Gary's Secret

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FROM: Asst. Dir. Nancy Turrell

TO: All Students

SUBJECT: Squad Captains

The faculty have decided that in order to help all of the squads operate at full capacity and help students learn better teamwork, one squad member from every squad will be assigned to serve as squad captain. Each individual has been chosen by the faculty based on their individual skills and dedication they have shown while here at Chiron Academy.

Squad 1 Captain: Todd Anderson

Squad 2 Captain: Kendall Cade

Squad 3 Captain: Vicky Vale

Squad 4 Captain: Noam Gottfried

Squad 5 Captain: Tom Jones

Squad 6 Captain: Kayla Martinez

Squad 7 Captain: Rylan Taylor

Squad 8 Captain: Sarah Ma

Squad 9 Captain: Wade Wilson

Squad 10 Captain: Laynee Squire

Squad 11 Captain: Robbie Baldwin

Squad 12 Captain: William Michaels

Squad 13 Captain: Tommy Oliver

Squad 14 Captain: Sione Kealoha

A meeting for all new squad captains will be held today at 7:30 PM in Room 24.


Todd looked down at his watch. He had been waiting outside the nurses' station for 15 minutes. He shifted his weight a little, trying to eke a little more comfort from the unforgiving wooden bench outside the nurses' station.

He ran his fingers over the dark brown, almost black varnish that covered the bench. Judging from its old looking design and the dents and scratches visible in the wood, Todd guessed it was original to the building and had survived the renovation.

Made sense Todd figured. It looked like a pretty sturdy piece, uncomfortable seating aside.

He turned his eyes back to the door, wondering how Gary was doing. They'd managed to get him here from the bus, with Todd acting as his human crutch most of the way. Gary had kept saying he was fine, but he definitely didn't look it or sound it.

His own visit with the medics before they'd left the game area had been pretty quick. They'd poked and prodded him for a minute or two, checking him for any broken bones. Luckily, he'd only received a few cuts and bruises. Well, quite a few bruises if he had to be honest, but he'd had worse. The medical staff had given him a few bandaids and moved on to other members of his squad.

When they'd gotten to Gary though, they'd taken much longer. Gary had taken a bit of a beating during their first match, and while the last match had been much more controlled when it came fighting, being jostled around with Cassie on her Readypack probably hadn't done much for his injuries.

Todd hadn't been standing too close when the medics had been looking over Gary. They hadn't wanted anyone in the way and Todd felt it hadn't really been his business. Even still, he'd thought he heard them talk about one or two broken ribs and a possible concussion.

Thinking about it made Todd's heart sink. If he'd known that Gary was hurt like that, he would have tried harder to keep him out of the second match. Todd had known Gary was hurt but Gary'd said he was fine, so he went into the final match with the rest of them.

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