Chapter 11: Harvey

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"Harvey?" Gary asked the empty room. "We need to talk."

Gary waited for a second, still lying back on the bed.

After a moment, a voice rose up out of Gary's mind. The best he could describe it was velvet sliding through thick oil. There was a... smoothness to it.

The feeling coalesced into a voice.

So let's talk, Gary, the voice said. You know I always love our talks.

"What's going on with me?" Gary said. "I feel so sick. And It just keeps getting worse. And I'm still so tired. Sleep doesn't help."

Well, if I had to guess, Gary, I'd say it's the side effect of your use of my power through our bond.

"But you said it would go away."

I thought it would. However, I don't have much experience with lending my power to humans.

"But you said the powers were safe," Gary said, a little too loudly. What if someone had overheard?

He shot eyes back towards the door, watching for any sign of movement from outside. His ears strained for any sound that would indicate someone coming.

He heard nothing. For all accounts, it seemed like the dormitories were deserted, everyone seemed to have gone off to dinner.

"You said they were safe," Gary whispered. "You said nothing bad would happen."

And they are. Generally. I thiNk the problem, Gary, is that you've been using the power too much... recently. I did warn you things might go baDly if you draw too much.

Gary really had been meaning to cut down. But every time he decided not to use his powers as much, there seemed to be to some new situation that needed a bit more, some new vengeful spirit to evade, a new vampire to put down, that would require Gary delving in just a bit more.

It had started a few months ago. He'd been working with the Ghoul for about six months, using his newfound powers to fight the evil's they found. But Gary found himself getting weak or feeling under the weather for no reason. At first, he thought he was just sick, but it had continued. He'd tried cutting down on using his powers, but something always came up.

I know you're scared, Gary, but I... want to you to know, I'm bEhind you all the way. Together we'll fiGurE something out. Together.

Gary didn't particularly like the way it said that. He'd wondered a lot about the entity he'd met all those months ago. What did he really know about? It always claimed to be on his side, but was it really?

"Maybe," Gary wondered idly," I should finally just ask the Ghoul for help. He's had a lot of experience with spirits over the years. I bet he'd have a idea that would help."

aaaaAAAAaah, Gary, you knooow that was my one stipulation in.... our arrangement: that you never tell anyone about me. You cAn go an take your place in the annals of this world's hEroes. I prefer to leave the liMelight to you.

"Yeah, but why?" Gary asked. "Would anyone really care that you helped me out?"

Exxxcellent question, Gary. I thiNk yOu'd be surprised. The planes can be treacherous. I've always found it best to eXist on the frInges. Too mUch notoriety can get you noticed in circles I'd prefer to avoid.

"Well, I guess that makes sense," Gary muttered.

"What did you think of the games today?" he asked. "Did you see them?"

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