Chapter 29.6 Ends and Means

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"And have you been able to talk with the rest of them about names yet?" Mr. Buckingham asked taking another sip from his coffee mug.

"Yes," Todd said. "Most everyone has their superhero name figured out; there are only a few people still struggling."

Todd put his own coffee mug down on the sleek black coffee table in front of him pulled out his notes he taken on his phone.

"Josi Freitas," he read from the screen," asked if she could have her name be Belaser."

"What does that mean?"

"That was my question as well. She said that it a as a combination of the word beautiful in Portuguese and the word laser. Apparently, she has energy projection powers so that's nice a incorporation for the to get across her brand."  

"Makes sense. She is from Brazil originally I remember correctly. What did you tell her?"

"Well, I don't speak Portuguese but I said it sounds like a good idea for a name."

 "What good is a codename if you can't be proud of yourself. I'll run it by the guys in the office, but  I have no problem with that. Who else have you got?" 

Todd nodded. 

"I talked with Maggie Mason again. This time she suggested her name be The Intrusive Thot."

However the added emphasis seemed lost on the older man.

"That sounds fine," Mr. Buckingham said, shrugging the shoulders haphazardly.  "I believe she has some sort of mental ability so that would probably fit if she's able to intrude in her enemy's minds."

"Yeah?" Todd said experimentally, scanning the older man for understanding. "She doesn't just mean like an intrusive thought, though. She meant like a thot."

The look of confusion over the man's face told Todd the man had no idea what the term meant.

"It stands for 'That Hoe Over There'," he explained. "It means a girl that is kind of-"

"Yup, I got it," Mr. Buckingham said. "I might be out of the loop on slang but I understand that. I definitely can't approve that."

"Yeah, that's what I told her as well. She didn't seem happy about it, but she seemed to be too sad about it. It seemed like more of a meme name than anything. I'll keep hounding her about names and see if we can work out that we can actually use."

"Excellent. Remember, it doesn't have to happen immediately but the faster we can get them all worked out, the faster we can start on everyone's uniform embroidery and begin the trademark process."

"Yeah, I've been telling everyone that they need it by the end of the week. I figure that having the extra deadline might help motivate people a bit more."

"That sounds fine to me," the older man nodded. "Well, Mr. Anderson, I think we might want to adjourn for the evening. I have some calls to make and you need to go be a regular teenager for a little while. No more work for you tonight, I mean I-"

The sound of yelling from outside the office door cut him short. Both of their heads shot to the door through which could be heard only the roar of voices rather than any specific words.

The door practically crashed open to reveal an irate-looking Dean Hammond followed closely by Mr. Buckingham's secretary, Miz Krebs, looking just irate.

They were an interesting pair. The dean wasn't a tall man but he was easily a few heads taller than the secretary. Although the woman was rather short, Todd couldn't imagine not being intimidated by the woman, but the dean barely seemed to notice her. His attention was solely focused on Mr. Buckingham. 

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