Chapter 5.2: Achilles and the Gym

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DH: Todd, come in. Grab a seat. Thanks for talking with me. I can't imagine what this day must be like for you. New city, new people, it must be a lot to take in.

TA: Yeah, it's been a bit crazy.

DH: How was your flight?

TA: It wasn't too bad. I really just hate the landing and the takeoff, because that's when it's hardest to ignore the fact that you're not on the ground. I was on this one flight with Wyatt-

DH: Wyatt Hatch?

TA: Yeah, Flyerman.

DH: You two know each other?

TA: Yeah, we've been pretty tight for a long time. I've known him since like seventh grade.

DH: Wow, I saw you guys were from the same city, but I didn't think you'd really know each other. That's so cool.

TA: Yeah, it's nice to have someone who I know here with me. Anyway, I was on this flight with Wyatt; we were following this guy called the Unspeakable, this like corporate espionage type guy, to Boston, where he was going to drop off this briefcase of secrets to his contact. We both told our parents we were going to a band retreat. Which was weird because Wyatt was not actually in band, but we were kind of desperate and it seemed like they bought it (laughs). Anyway, we were taxiing along the tarmac and we stopped and then the engines kick on. It was my first time on a plane so I didn't know what to expect. I thought it was pretty cool. Anyway, all of a sudden, the plane starts to tilt upwards, which I expected, but holy crap, it tilted A LOT. I was freaking out. Wyatt thought it was hilarious.

DH: How do you feel like he's doing? Wyatt?

TA: I think he's... kind of frustrated.

DH: Why?

TA: Well, one day you're living in Baltimore, living your life the way you want and then you're told you have to go and live in a government compound. It's not the easiest pill to swallow.

DH: You seem to be taking it all right.

TA: It is what it is. I guess I figure a little more training would always be useful. Or maybe we can help some of the other kids learn a thing or to two we missed when we were starting out.

DH: I'm sure the other kids would really appreciate the extra help. And I know Achilles is really excited to start the sessions with you guys tomorrow.

TA: Yeah, I saw him during the tour and he seems really cool. I heard he fought the Renegade League once. Those guys were freaky.

DH: Well, I just wanted to call everyone in and have a little talk with them, let them know I'm here if you want to talk. My door's always open. I'm not always here. But at least the door's always open.

(both laugh)

TA: Well, if I ever need a pen or extra stapler, I know where to go.

(laugh) I appreciate that. I'll keep that in mind. It's kind of different not having my family around to talk to. I mean, not that I could talk to them about superhero stuff but I always knew that they were in my corner or whatever.

DH: Yeah, my family lives in Wisconsin so I don't really get to see them either. Don't be afraid to shoot them a line, y'know. This isn't a prison; it's just a new home.

TA: I have a question: I know the room assignments are probably all made by now or whatever, but is there any way I can get a bunk near Wyatt? I'm just kind of worried about him. He's going through a hard time right now.

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