Chapter 20.2: Movie Night, Interrupted

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"Okay, I think we need to pause the movie for a second and stretch our legs," Todd said as he stiffly stood up from the floor, joints cracking in the process. 

He'd made the move to the floor after Lyndsie had fallen asleep draped on his shoulder (in the first twenty minutes!). He'd thought it was a good time to bow out. Luckily, Ryan was more than willing to accept Lyndsie leaning on him. 

"What?" Gary piped up. "But the movies almost over!"

"I would if I could, dude," Todd admitted, "but my butt's been asleep for an hour. I have got to move around."

"I think it's a great idea," Amy agreed as she glared at Lindsay lay asleep on Ryan's large shoulders. 

Lindsay started lightly snoring not long after she fell asleep and she hadn't let up the entire movie. He had tried tapping her a few times to wake her up, but she just kept snoring away. Todd was honestly surprised that everyone wasn't more annoyed.

Amy pressed pause on the remote and said something about needing to use the restroom. Todd suspected that it was just an excuse to get out of the room but was too polite to call her out. That was her business after all.

"I, ummm, also have to go," Mariah said, rising noiselessly, before following down the same hallway that Amy had walked down.

Todd wondered absently where the bathrooms were on this side of the building. He rarely came over to the faculty side of the building. His visit with Mr. Buckingham had been the last time he'd been over here and he'd had too much on his mind to be on the lookout for the nearest toilet.

Speaking of his meeting...

"Hey Wyatt, can I talk to you for a moment?" he said, turning to Wyatt. He offered his hand to his friend to help him off the couch.

"Sure, I guess so," Wyatt said reluctantly as he grasped his proffered hand and got off the couch with equally noisy joints. A few years of crime-fighting had taken a toll on their young joints. Todd shuddered to think what they would be like after 10 or even 20 more years of this.

"What do you talk about?" he asked Todd with a shrug. 

"Actually. can we step outside the room?" he suggested, both for their privacy and the privacy of those still in the room. This wasn't really a conversation he wanted to have in front of everyone.

Gary was looking impatiently at the clock. Out of everyone in the room, he was the one that was really into the movie. Todd may have even seen him wipe his eyes a few times.

Meanwhile, Lindsay was just lightly stirring as Ryan readjusted himself. He seemed oblivious to the fact that he was disrupting Lindsay's comfortable position on him.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," Wyatt agreed about surveying the room.

They both stepped just outside the rec room into the narrow hallway. It was dead silent in the hallway, the only sounds being Lyndsie's still audible snoring coming from the room behind them.

"Um, listen, man," Todd started awkwardly. "I have been meaning to tell you this for some time but .. well....uh... it's..."

Man, this was harder than he thought it would be. Well, the better just to rip the band-aid off, he supposed.

"Well," Todd started," you see, Mr.Buckingham invited me to his office the other day and he, well, he asked me to be the Student Body President of sorts. It doesn't have an official name yet but basically I'd be the captain of all the other captains of the squads, you know, to help bridge the gap between students and faculty."

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