Chapter 30.3 Revelations

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The man's face, shiny with sweat from the warm room, hung limp in what Wyatt assumed was panic for just a split second before his charming grin reappeared.

"Just what I read online," Omni said, though Wyatt noticed that the smile did not reach the man's brown eyes. "It's 'America's next hope for supers'.

Wyatt assumed he was lying but had no reason not to believe him. Chiron was a sort of public secret, with the existence of the school being public knowledge but the actual location being left vague. As far as Wyatt knew, it would be weird if he didn't know anything about Chiron

Once again, Wyatt wished that Todd was there. Wyatt was good at noticing details but terrible at telling if people were lying. It was one thing to notice the details but knowing which ones were tells and which were not was a whole different skill. One that he usually lacked.

"I didn't think you guys did house calls," Omni said. "Do you always sneak into people's houses like this? That's illegal, you know."

He was making a play at confidence, throwing his shoulder back. He must be feeling on edge.

"Something you would know all about."

"What can I do for you? I have a few slices of this cold pizza if you want some," he said holding up the pizza box he held tightly in his hands. "Or I guess I have a couple of chicken breasts if you're bulking right now. Why don't you pull up a seat?"

Wyatt carefully looked down at the simple metal table.

"I'll stand, thanks," Wyatt said. He reached over his shoulder and toyed with the handle of the Flyersword. "Why don't you sit?"

The man tried to hide his flinch.

"Welcome to the extravagant life of a gangster. I'm afraid it's not as glamorous as you might have thought. I think I have a couple of beers if you want one."

"No thanks," Wyatt

Wyatt would have to press something. What did he know about Omni that he could use? He worked with Palmer Valdez so he would probably know about the lack of small-time street crime in town. He might even know Coolidge, the criminal the school had trucked them out to Pineview to apprehend. Whatever it was he said, he had to keep the conversation going.

"Wow, your school must not be much of a party school," he said, pulling open the fridge and pulling out a bottle of beer. "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody."

"What do you mean?"

"You must be, what, sixteen or seventeen?" Omni leered upwards at Wyatt. "Is this the first time you've ever been away from home, kid?"

Why did everyone keep calling him 'kid'? He had been told by several people that they had assumed he was a fully grown adult when they had first seen him in costume. And now, not only was Lt. Davis but also Omni was seemingly seeing through his disguise and seemingly seeing the youth underneath.

The man was just trying to intimidate him, Wyatt reminded himself. Fortunately for Wyatt, it was easy to ignore posturing from a man almost a foot and a half shorter. Not to mention the fact that he knew for a fact that he was stronger. The only reason that Omni had managed to do so well last time was that he had gotten the drop on Wyatt and had had backup from other clones. One-on-one, Wyatt would have no problem wiping the floor with this guy. 

But more importantly, was Omni implying that he knew that Wyatt went to Chiron Academy? the location was supposed to be secret. If Omni knew, did that mean that Palmer Valdez knew the school was in town? Wyatt's mind raced with the possibilities. Had Omni been watching him with a clone at the school? It seemed unlikely; school security would have noticed a strange man hanging around the outskirts of the campus. Was it possible that Omni could have embedded himself in the school staff somehow? Maybe that was where Wyatt recognized him from.

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